Gàidhlig / English
Gabhann, Geodal agus Goileam: Faclan Ionadail airson 'Gossip'

Gabhann, Geodal agus Goileam: Faclan Ionadail airson 'Gossip'

Posted by Calum on 10th August, 2023
Don't say you don't do it, there is a bit of a gossip in us all - and that some of us have an aileag for news - our culture is established on lore and stories (good nor bad), so we are not so different like that.
Here is a record and list of words that can be found in Dwelly's dictionary and our Fieldwork. Let's start with words for gossip itself:  
No matter the word you have for geòbgoileam, etc “gossiping” is an important word and verb in Fieldwork apparently: In terms of of people who make gossip or gossiping, men (m.) and women (w.), there are many different names for them too:
I hope that you are satisfied and had your fill of bàilich, nuadal and tramascal today. Remember to be mannerly, orderly and kind when conversing and speaking about certain issues. Do you have a word or phrase for gossip, blether, etc.? Let us know on facebooktwitter and our own website!
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