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Far-ainmean Bhailtean Ionadail (Pàirt 5): An t-Eilean Dubh

Far-ainmean Bhailtean Ionadail (Pàirt 5): An t-Eilean Dubh

Posted by Calum on 20th July, 2023
Carrying on northernly from the Aird, from the blog Far-ainmean Bhailtean Ionadail (Pàirt 4): Àird MhicShimidh”, we are going to the Black Isle, or Ardmeanach (the old name of the “island”), if you prefer.
On the promontory the four nicknames can be found:
1 Conon Bridge: Geòcairean Dhrochaid Sguideil [The Conon Bridge Revellers/Gluttons]
2 Knockbain: Piatan Cnoc Bhàn [The Hand-reared animals of Knockbain]
3 Raddery: Na Daimh Radharaidh [The Stags of Raddery]
4 Cam Uillt: Tuath Grinn Choire Chamuilt [The country-folk of Cam Uillt]
Further on from the island, in the midst of Sutherland, the following towns and small townships can be found:
4 Tarvie is Rogie: Crogaichean Thairbhidh is Ròagaidh [The old ewes of Tarvie and Rogie]
5 Strath Garve: Buic Srath Ghairbh [The bucks of Strathgarve]
6 Strath Bran: Meanbhaich Srath Bhran [The tinies of Strathbran]
We have a verse with a mixture of place-names- throughout the country, naming nicknames of the people of the respective towns, but we shall be looking at Raddery specifically:
Sùlairean sgìre na h-Uidh 's muinntir aoidheach nan Loch,
Sùlairean Ullabuil
Fithich Dubha Loch Carann
Buic Srath Ghairbh
Clamhanan Locha Bhraoin
Daimh mhòra Radharaidh”

Here is another verse from which we gathered the nicknames above:
“Ròagaidh ‘s crogaichean Thairbhidh;
Buic Srath Ghairbh, meanbhaich Srath Bhrainn;
Fithich dhubh Loch Carrann;
‘s clamhanan Loch Bhraoin.”
Since we looked at the influence of Gaelic on the then Scots dialect of Ross and Cromarty nicknames of the area, and the surrounding areas, were collected too. They are not in a Gaelic form but the influence is clear to see in some of them:
1 Avoch – Avoch Dollies/Doallies
2 Dingwall – Ballachalls
3 Farmers of Cromarty – Crom. Divots
4 Sailors of Cromarty – C. Gutties
5 Cromarty Folk – Croompachs
6 Resolis – Gaelickers
7 Beauly – Gutter Sparrows
8 Nigg, Easter Ross – Peculies, Pikyoolies, Pitoolies
9 Rossmarkie, Easter Ross – Rosemarkie Craws/Cyaws
You can read more about this dialect in the blog “Buaidh na Gàidhlig air Dualchainnt Beurla Ghallda Rois is Chrombaigh” and with “Am Baile” in the book “Cromarty Fisherfolk Dialect”.

I would thoroughly recommend that you give Alexander Stewart, from the Muir of Ord, the Black Isle, a listen on Tobar an Dualchais. He was a phenominal seanchaidh and story-teller, as is clear with the stories "Gille nan Cochall Chraiceann"; "An Tuairisgeul Mòr" and "MacCruimein, MacLeòid agus an Fharpais Phìobaireachd", as well as interesting songs, such as "Òran an Dreathain-Duinn".

Do you recognise any of the nicknames above? Do you have a nickname, good or bad, for a town in the area? Let us know on facebooktwitter and our own website!
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