Gàidhlig / English
Ainmean an Diabhail

Ainmean an Diabhail

Posted by Calum on 24th November, 2022
We understand that there are just some words that are unacceptable to say in a normal conversation, or in the workplace, although there is a justifiable reason for anyone to use bad language or swear sometimes! Amongst them are the names (good and bad nicknames) for the "One of Destruction", "The Devil" or "The Badness". Almost every Gael in existence has a name for the "Bad Man" and, therefore, we made a list of every name in "Fieldwork" we have for him. Be careful as to how you use every name he has though, we are not saying that you should say them every chance you get, for fear that you will get a reputation as evil as the man himself!
Sàtan - Satan
An Diobhal – The Devil
An Dolas – The Badness
An Donas – The Badness
Diobhal - Devil
Donas – Badness
Am Buaireadair – The Temptor
Am Fear Dubh – The Dark One
Am Fear Millidh – The Destructive One
Am Fear nach tig an cobhair Criosdaidh” – The One that wont come under Christian care
Am Mac Mollachd – The One of Curses
Am fear nach can mi – The One I wont utter
Am fear tha air an t-slabhraidh – The One on the Chain
An Deamhan – The Demon
An Donas – The Badness
An Droch Fhear – The Bad Man
An Riabhach – The Brindled One
An t-Arsair
Sàtan – Satan
An t-Eilean Sgitheanach
Dòmhnull Dubh – Dark Donald
Sàtan – Satan
An Diabhul – The Devil
An Donas – The Badness
An Riabhach – The Brindled One
Na Hearadh
An Droch-Aon – The Bad One
Braidean – The Thief
Drochfhear – Bad Man

An Diabhol/Diobhall – The Devil
An Droch Spiorad – The Bad Spirit
An Nàmhaid – The Enemy
An Sàtan – The Satan
Am piullidh

There we have it for names of the "Brindled One"! We know that we haven't recorded every name for him here but we would love to hear and read and hear your names for him on facebooktwitter and our website!
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