Gàidhlig / English
Blèideag, Clòimhneag, Lòineag agus faclan eile airson “Snowflake”

Blèideag, Clòimhneag, Lòineag agus faclan eile airson “Snowflake”

Posted by Calum on 12th December, 2019
Winter is on its way now, little by little. With the frost that we had recently it’s little wonder that we’ll have snow very soon! But I remember that we almost had different words for “snowflake”. I heard blèideag, lòineag, clòimhneag and various others. Therefore I decided to record them in a blog for you. It was in 2010 that a paper by Roibeard Ó Maolalaigh – the Director of DASG itself! – in the book “Cànan & Cultar/Language & Culture: Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig 4” by Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig. In the book there are many words recorded in Scottish Gaelic Dialect Survey there are almost 581 examples for “snowflake”! With the amount recorded in the survey I made a list of them for this blog. Here is what we have with each place (almost), where from each word was recorded, recorded below, with similar words that we have as well from “fieldwork”:
  • Blèideag - bleid (Srathglas), bleideag (Grosebay, Harris), bleideag (Crowlista, Lewis), bleideag (Strathglas). Pleideag (Ness), pleòideag (Boisdale, Cape Breton), Pleòiteag/pleòtag(-an) (South Uist).
  • Cladan - clàdan (Caolas, Tiree), clàdan (Arnigour, Coll), clàdan (Port Charlotte, Islay), clàdan (Tiree).
  • Cleiteag – cléideag (Bornish, South Uist), cléideag (Strontian).
  • Clàiteag – (Ardnamurchan, Sunart, North Argyle, Central Argyle, Cowal, Wester Ross).
  • Clòimhneag - cloimheag (Tummel & Rannoch), clòineag (Dornie), clòineag (Bunloit), clòineag (Kingussie), clòineag (Glenurquhart).
  • Clòimhteag - (Perthshire).
  • Cithean – (Golspie) / Cuithe – (North UIst).
  • Clìofaid – (Applecross) Clìfeid (Sutherland, Islay, Lewis, South Uist).
  • Cuileag – (Arran).
  • Duilleag (sneachd) – (Brora).
  • Dideag (sneachd) – (Easter Ross).
  • Flèac sneachd – (Embo).
  • Fliuch-chur sneachd – (St Kilda).
  • Leònag – (North Caithness, Easter Ross).
  • Leòmag – (Eastern and Western Inverness-shire).
  • Lòinneag – lòineag (Betthill), lòineag (Kinlochbervie), lòineag (Strath, Isle of Skye), lòineag (Sangomore, Durinish, Sutherland), lòineag (Kilmore), lòineag (Assynt), lòineag (Kinlochourn), lòineag.
  • Ròineag – (Inverness-shire, Sutherland).
  • Slad – (Arran).
  • Slathag - slathag (Christmas Island, Canada) (Barra, Eriskay).
Other ones can be found in our own archive in “fieldwork” that was interesting to name: The information in this blog is pulled from the paper by Roibeard Ó Maolalaigh, I’m not representing this blog as an academic article, at all! This blog is written for sharing information and fun. Do you know any of the words above? Do you have any other words? Let us know on facebooktwitter and our website!
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