Gàidhlig / English
Gnàthasan-cainnt ann an Dùthaich MhicAoidh

Gnàthasan-cainnt ann an Dùthaich MhicAoidh

Posted by Calum on 20th October, 2022
We have an interest at DASG in Gaelic dialects. A dialect contains accent, phonology and different terminology of people of different areas, defining who they are (or who they are not)! That is just as true in MacKay Country, in the north end of Sutherland, with their phrases and sayings. In this blog we will have a look at phrases and sayings that they have for an “inside look” and way of thinking the “MacKays” have.
The saying below were recorded from the dictionary “Gàidhlig Dhùthaich Mhic Aoidh,” by Seumas Grannd, a fantastic, informative book. For more information have a look at “Faclan na Gàidhlig ann an Albanais Chatach agus Gallach” and “Faclan na Gàidhlig ann an Albanais Chatach agus Gallach (2)” (written with lots of help and information from Dr Alasdair MacMhaoirn), a blog we made about the effect of Gaelic of the area on the English of the area today.

[Advice] “Am fear nach gobh comhairle gobhas e cam-lorg.” [“The man who will not take advice will take a crooked path.”]

[Affectionate] “Cho dàimheil ri seann chù.” [“As affectionate as an old dog”]

[Age] “Cha chrèid an òig’ gun tig an aois is cha chreid an aois gun tig am bàs.” [“The young people will not believe that old age will come and the old people will come.”]

[Age] “’S iomadh rud a thig an lorg na h-aoise.” [“’S iomadh rud a thig an lorg na h-aois’.”]

[Badger, sleep/srianach, cadal] “Cadal na srianaich dhut.” [“The sleep of the badge on you.”]

[Healthy food, barley-bread/Biadh fallain, aran-eòrna] “Aran-eòrn’ a’ bhràthainn is iasg na cìlig.” [“Barley-bread from the quern and the rich flesh of cod.”]

[Ben, Mountain/Beanntan] “Thuirt Beinn Shìth ri Beinn Hób,
‘Nach e tha mór Beinn Laghail?
Nam faighinn às am paiseanadh mór,
Chuirinn sgòrr deh Beinn Laghail.’”

[“Ben Shee said to Ben Hope,
“‘Isn’t Ben Loyal big?
If I could get free in a great passion,
I would knock a peak off Ben Loyal.’”]

[Black/Dubh] “Cho dubh ri màs na pait’.” [“As black as the bottom of the pot.”]

[Black/Dubh] “Cho dubh ris an danas.” [“As black as the devil.”]

[Blessing/Beannachadh] “Gum beannaich Dia an lìon is gum beannaich Dia sibh ach an tig sibh dhachaigh.” [“God bless the net and God bless you until you come home.”]

[Blessing/Beannachadh] “Gum beannaich Dia sibh agus gum beannaich e a’ chulaidh is na bhios innt’!” [“God bless you and may he bless the boat and all in it!”]

[Boy, Memory/Giullan, Cuimhne] “’S fhad’ cuimhn’ ghiullain.” [“A boy’s memory is long.”]

[Business/Gnothaichean] “’S e gnothaich a th’ ann!” [“It’s a business!” As to mean “It’s a tough life!”]

[Christmas/Nollaig] “’S e an Ullaig dhubh a dh’fhàgas an cladh mèith.” [“A black Christmas makes (the soil of) the graveyard rich.”]

[Cold/Fuar] “Tha e cho fuar ri Greenland.” [“As cold as Greenland.”]

[Cormarant/Sgarbh] “Irimidh na h-uile fear sgarbh a thoir à a chreag fhèin.” “Every man must take a cormorant from his own rock”

[Cowpat/Buachar] “Nead na cearca bleoghannaidh!” [“Nest of the milking chickens!” Said whimsically.]

[Cunning/Starach] “Cho starach ris a’ mhadadh-ruadh.” [“As cunning as a fox.”]

[Days, better/Làithean nas fheàrr] “Bha sinn air latha-fèill’ a b’ fheàrr.” [“We have seen better days.”]

[Toast/Beannachadh] “A h-uile là a chì is nach fhaic is là òrdugh Eireabuill!” [“Here’s to you every day I will see you and wont, including Eriboll communion day!”]

[Dying/Eug] “Tha e air slighe na fìrinn.” [“He’s on the path of truth.”

[Deaf/Bodhar] “Cho bodhar ri clach.” [“As deaf as a rock.”]

[Devil/Donas] “Tha am fear-millidh math da chuid fhèin.” [“The devil is good to his own.”]

[Devil/Donas] “Chan eil ann ach bliadhnach leis an diabhal.” [“He’s only a yearling belonging to the devil.” Said of someone untrustworthy.]

[Devil/Donas] “’S e an diabhal a thug dha srian.” [“It’s the devil that inspired him to do that.”]

[Difference/Diubhras] “Tha diubhar mòr eadar a bhith a’ fàs sean agus a bhith sean.” [“There’s a big difference between growing old and being old.”]

[Distemper/Diubhras] “Galar nan con.” [“Disease of the dogs.”]

[Dog/] “Dar a thèid an cù dubh is an cù geal don aon pholl bios aid a’ cheart cho dubh a’ tighinn às.” [“When the black dog and the white dog go to the same (muddy) pool they will be the same colour coming out.”]

[Drove/Dròbh] “’S e seann chìobair is seann choin as fheàrr a nì dròbh.” [“An old shepherd and an old dog are best for a drove.” As to mean that taking one’s time ensures a better product at the end of one’s work.]
We will continue with part two next week. Do you know any of the sayings above? Do you know of any variations of any one of them? Let us know on facebooktwitter and our website!
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