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Eòlas air Euslaint Dhaoine: Pàirt 3 (Eòlasan an Droch-Shùla)

Eòlas air Euslaint Dhaoine: Pàirt 3 (Eòlasan an Droch-Shùla)

Posted by Calum on 17th February, 2022
“He's given you The Eye,” “They have woulded you,” “He's put the Evil-Eye on you”; Scary phrases do anyone if The Evil Eye on youoirbh! As you may know already, if you have read last week's blog “Eòlas air Euslaint Dhaoine: Pàirt 2 (Siantan Cuimhneachaidh Aisling agus Seuntan Dìonaidh)” there is a spell, incantatiion and charm at the Gaels for many things and a lot of them are for “An Droch-Shùla” ("The Evil Eye"), that is exceptionally scary to the Gael. Thank God that we are prepared with a spell for it in this blog!
Eòlas an Droch-Shùla
When the Evil-eye lies on anyone you should quickly look to dispel them and there are many spells for doing the same thing. Water and silver are the common cure and it is said that one is cured with or without reciting the spell. It is customary that the that someone puts a piece of money, silver and bronze in a bowl of water. The reciter recites the spell and blows on the bowl and shakes the recipient - or the sufferer - and they utter the said incantation:
“’S e an t-sùil a chì,
’S e ’n cridhe a smuainicheas,
’S e ’n teanga ’labhras.
’S mise ’n triùir gu tilleadh so ortsa, [Ainm an neach-faighinn,]
An ainm an Athar, a’ Mhic ’s an Spioraid Naoimh.”
[“’Tis the eye that sees, the heart that thinks, and the tongue that speaks. I am the three to turn this off you, [name of the recipient,] in the sam of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.”]
We have another one called "Spell of the Evil Eye" where the spell is used without the water. It is said that the spell is sung with the thrumming of water while a bowl  or another vessel is filled:
“Dèanaim-sa dhut-sa eòlas air sùil,
À uchd ’Ille Phàdruig naoimh,
Air at amhaich is stad earbuill,
Air naoi conair ’s air naoi conachair,
’S air naoi bean seang sìth,
Air sùil seana-ghille, ’s air sealladh seana-mhnà;
Mas a sùil fir i, i lasadh mar bhigh,
Mas a sùil mhnath’ i, i bhi dh’ easbhuidh a cìch.
Falcadair fuar agus fuarachd da ’fuil,
Air a nì, ’s air a daoine,
Air a crodh ’s air a caoraich fèin.”
[“Let me perform for you a charm for the evil-eye,
From the breast of holy Gil-Patrick,
Against swelling of neck and stoppage of bowels,
Against nine “conair” and nine “Conachair,”
And nine slender fairies,
Against an old bachelor’s eye, and an old wife’s eye.
If a man’s eye may it flame like resin,
If a woman’s eye may she want her breast;
A cold plunge and coldness to her blood,
To her cattle and sheep.”]
We have another Evil Eye spell as well:
“Paidir a h’ aon, Paidir a dhà,
Paidir a trì, Paidir a ceithir,
Paidir a còig, Paidir a sia,
Paidir a seachd,
’S neart nan seachd paidirean a’ sgaoileadh do ghalair air na clachan glas ud thall.”
[“Paters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
And may the strength of the seven paters cast out your disease amidst the gray-stones over by.”]

We shall carry on another time with “Eòlasan a’ bheum-shùla” (“Charms of the Evil-Eye”) next time. Do you know of any spells, charms or incantation for protection? Do you know anyone who is, or would have been, protected  or protecting themselves with a spell or charm of the likes above? Let us know on facebooktwitter and our website!
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