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Eòlas air Euslaint Dhaoine: Pàirt 2 (Seuntan Cuimhneachaidh Aisling agus Seuntan Dìonaidh)

Eòlas air Euslaint Dhaoine: Pàirt 2 (Seuntan Cuimhneachaidh Aisling agus Seuntan Dìonaidh)

Posted by Calum on 27th January, 2022
Welcome back! We have more "Eòlasan" and "Seuntan" this week, we shall look at more "seuntan dìonaidh" but we shall start with an interesting "Seun Cuimhneachaidh", a charm for remembering dreams. 
Seun Cuimhneachaidh Aisling (The Charm of Remembering Dreams)
This charm is recited for remembering your dream. After the person has recited the charm the dream with unvelop to the reciter:
“Chunnaic mi aisling an raoir
’S mi ’nam shuidh air sliabh rath;
Dh’innis Peadar e do Phòl
’S thuirt Pòl gu’m bu mhath;
Ach breithneachdainn Chrìosd ro’ Phòl
Gu thusa chumail ceart.”
[“I saw a vision last night
And me sitting to a mount of grace;
Peter told it to Paul
And Paul said it was well;
But the judgement of Christ before Paul’s
To keep you right.”]
Seun Dìonaidh an aghaidh Sìth-gaoithe
This charm is collected in Nether Lochaber, where one closed their eyes when a “fairy-wind” towards them. The charm is recited to themselves with their backs to the wind until the wind stops. You shouldn’t breathe or open your mouth while you recite this charm in your head:
“Gach cuman is mias is meadar,
Gu Pòl gu Peadair ’s gu Brìde;
Dìon, is seun, is glèidh mi olc ’s o chunnart,
Air a bhealach, ’s air a mhullach,
’S air an tulaich ud thall;
Pòl is Peadair is Brìde caomh!”
[“Be the care of milk pail, and bowl, and cog
Given to Peter and Paul and Saint Bride;
Wherever I wander protect me, ye Saints!
Let not evil nor harm me betide;
Hear me, Peter and Paul, and gentle Saint Bride!”]
Eòlas an Torranain (Eòlas dìonaidh an aghaidh an droch-shùla)
The “Torranan” is a plant (Common Figwort) that grows on the rocky cliffs and rocky outcrops. The power of this plant is dependant on the tides, with the plant being at the height of it’s power at full-tide and it shall ebb with the ebbing tide. If the effects of the “Evil Eye” have effected some of your cattle this plant is put under one of the milk pails and the charm is given three times, going around clockwise the milk pail each time with the plant over the pail:
“Buaineams’ thu, thorranain,
Le ’d uile bheannachd, ’s le ’d uile bhuaidh;
Thàinig na naoi sonais
Leis na naoi earranan
Le buaidh an torranain;
Làmh Bhrìde leam!
Tha mi nis gad bhuain.
Buaineams’ thu, thorranain,
Le ’d thoradh mara ’s tìr,
Ri lìonadh gu traoghadh,
Le ’d làmhsa, Bhrìde mhìn,
Colum naomh gun sheòladh,
Odhran caomh gam dhìon,
Is Micheil nan sreud uaibhreach
’Cur buaidh anns an nì.
               Tha mo lus lùrach a-nis air a bhuain.”
[“Let me pluck thee, Torannan!
With all thy blessedness and all thy virtue,
The nine blessings came with the nine parts,
By the virtue of the Torannan;
The hand of St Bride with me,
I am now to pluck thee.
Let me pluck thee, Torannan!
With thine increase as to a sea and land;
With the flowing tide that shall no no ebbing.
By the assistance of chaste St Bride,
The holy St Columba directing me,
Gentle St Odhran protecting me,
And St Micheal of high-crested steeds,
Imparting virtue to the matter the while,
My beauteous plant is now plucked.”]
We shall carry on another time with “Eòlas an Droch-Shùla” (“Charms of the Evil-Eye”) next time. Do you know of any spells, charms or incantation for protection? Do you know anyone who is, or would have been, protected  or protecting themselves with a spell or charm of the likes above? Let us know on facebooktwitter and our website!
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