Gàidhlig / English
Eòlas air Euslaint Dhaoine: Pàirt 1 (Eòlasan agus Seuntan Dìonaidh)

Eòlas air Euslaint Dhaoine: Pàirt 1 (Eòlasan agus Seuntan Dìonaidh)

Posted by Calum on 13th January, 2022
“There is a balm for every case but there is no balm for death,” and “Mean air mhean thig an t-slàinte ach na tonnan mòr an euslaint” [“Little by little health returns but in the great waves of infirmity”] this is true for every one and the Gaels are no exception either. The Gaels are different though with our “Charms,” spells and incantations or health-troubles. There are many reasons that a charm, spell and incantation is said: for ill-health, a protection against supernatural forces and charms for contemplation or to improve somebody’s own, personal feats or abilities. I found a very interesting article in the Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness called “Gaelic Incantations,” by Mr A. MacBain and we shall have a look at them here.
Seun Cleith (A Charm of Concealmeant)
This charm is recited by poachers and smugglers for fleeing from constables and government workers of the country:
“Fà fithe cuiream ort
Bho chù, bho chat,
Bho bhò, bho each,
Bho dhuine, bho bhean,
Bho ghille, bho nighean,
’S bho leanabh beag,
Gus an tig mise ’rithisd
Gus an tig mise rithisd
Ann ainm an Athar, a’ Mhic, ’s an Spioraid Naomh.”
[“A magic cloud I put on thee from dog, cat, cow, horse, man woman, lad, lass, and little child, till I come again, till I come again, in name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”]
Seun Dìonaidh (A charm of Protection)
This charm is performed to protect a person from wounds and harm. For performing this charm the performer of the charm and the reciever would go to a concealed area. Here the performer would put their hand on the head of the reciever, the peformer with their eyes closed, and the performer goes around them clockwise two times and once anti-clockwise.
[The performer going clockwise]
“Sian a chuir Moire air Mac ort,
Sian ro’ marbhadh, sian ro’ lot ort,
Sian eadar a’ chìoch ’s a ghlùn
Sian eadar a’ ghlùn ’s a’ bhroit ort,
Sian nan Trì ann an aon ort,
O mhullach do chinn gu bonn do chois ort,
Sian seachd paidir a h-aon ort,
Sian seachd paidir a trì ort,
Sian seachd paidir a ceithir ort,
Sian seachd paidir a còig ort,
Sian seachd paidir a sia ort,
Sian seachd paidir nan seachd paidir dol deiseil ri deagh uarach ort, ga do ghleadheadh bho bheud ’s bho mhi-thapadh.”
[“The charm that Mary placed on her son be on you,
Charm from slaying, charm from wounding,
Charm between pap and knee,
Charm between knee and breast on you,
Charm of the Three in One on you,
From top of head to sole of foot.
Charm of seven paters once on you,
Charm of seven paters twice on you,
Charm of seven paters thrice on you,
Charm of seven paters four times on you,
Charm of seven paters five times on you,
Charm of seven paters six times on you,
Charm of the seven paters of the seven paters going sunwise in lucky hour on you, a keeping you from harm and accident.”]

[And then you would go round anti-clockwise around the reciever:]
“Clogaid na slàinte mu d’ cheann,
Cearcall a’ chùmhnaint mu d’ amhaich,
Uchd-èididh an t-sagairt mu d’ bhroilleach.
Ma’s ruaig bho ’n taobh-chuil,
Brògan na h-Oigh ga d’ ghiùlan gu luath.
Sian nan Trì ann an aon ort
Bho mhullach do chinn gu bonn do shàil,
Agus sian paidir nan seachd paidir
Dol tuaitheal is deiseil, deiseil is tuaitheal,
Gu d’ ghlèidheadh bho d’ chùl
Bho luaidh ’s bho chlaidheamh.
Bho lot ’s bho mharbhadh,
Gu uair is am do bhàis.”
[“A helmet of Salvation about your head,
The ring of the Covenant about your neck,
The priest’s breast-plate about your breast;
If it be retreat on the rear,
The shoes of the Virgin to take you swiftly away.
Charm of the Three in One on you
From crown of head to sole of foot,
And the charm of the pater of the seven paters
A-going anti-sunwise and sunwise, sunwise and anti-sunwise,
To protect you from behind
From lead and from sword,
From wound and from slaying,
Till the hour and time of your death.”]

After reciting the charm the reciever leaves the performer, still with their eyes closed, and they wont leave until the reciever has left them.

We shall continue next week with more charms and incantations. Do you have any, or do you know any charm or incantation? Let us know on facebooktwitter and our own website!
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