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Mìosachan nan Gàidheal: Am Foghar (Pàirt 3)

Mìosachan nan Gàidheal: Am Foghar (Pàirt 3)

Posted by Calum on 7th October, 2021
Welcome back to the last blog of this series of blogs about the Gaelic Calendar. In this blog we shall have a look at holy days, fayres (or "fairs" if you prefer) and changes of weather in the last month of Autumn: October.

Mee s’jerree yn our/An Dàmhair
It is said that the weather can be somewhat bad by this time of the year. “Gaoth gu bhi uamhasach mòr, àrd is tioram – tuath, an iar-thuath” [“The wind is to be awfully great, tall and dry – North, North-west”] is said and the wind will be rough from the end of September to the start of October.
01/10 – On this day one must remove all their peat-stacks from the peat turbaries before this day.
Cìob is harvested about this time of the year, is is very good as a fertiliser on fields.
10/10 – “Sheen Laa’l Vaayl.” This day is celebrated in the Isle of Man only.
Sacanaich na Samhna” [“An Indian Summer”] can be found where the weather is warm in comparison to what is to be expected in October.
18/10 – “Laa Noo Luke.” This day is celebrated in Man only.
In Sorridale, Coll, a flagais is made, a ditch where little saithes, if they were abundant about this time, were put in and mixed with peat dross to made manure.The flagais would then be dispersed in Spring.
A Gealach an Abachaidh [“A Moon of Ripening”] appears by the middle of this month. It must be good for ripening and harvesting.
28/10 – Feoill Simon. After this day brambles are no longer harvested for the year. This day is only celebrated in Man.
29/10 – Laa’l Mael Beg. [St Maghal the Less.] This is the second fayre in the year for St Maghal. This day is celebrated in Man only.

Now, there we have it, the Calender of the Gaels with holy days, fayres and weather changes have all been recorded! Do you know any of the days above? Do you know of a day that we hav not recorded? Let us know on facebooktwitter and our own website!
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