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Seanfhaclan na Fèinne (Pàirt 2)

Seanfhaclan na Fèinne (Pàirt 2)

Posted by Calum on 18th November, 2021
We are back with further proverbs of the Fenians this month. We shall carry on with more of them but if you haven’t read any of them they can be found in the blog “Seanfhaclan na Fèinne.”
  • “The six skills that kept the Finns up:
  1. Àgh Fhinn [“Fionn’s providence”]
  2. Làmh Ghuill [“Goll’s hand”]
  3. Bras-bhuillean Oscair [“Oscar’s impetious strokes”]
  4. Iomairt ealamh Oisein [“Ossian’s deft play”]
  5. Ruith chraoidh Chaoilte [“Caoilte’s hard running”]
  6. Suidheachaidh Chonain air a chath.” [“Conan’s planning of the battle.”]
  • “An Fhèinn air an uillinn.” [“The Fenian’s all on their elbows”] with the meaning and story that one is in a worse situation than before.
  • “Bha doras Fhinn dhan ànrach fial” [“The Fenian’s door was to the destitute generous.”]
  • “Beatha Chonain am measg nan deamhan, Mas olc dha, chan fheàrr dhaibh.” [“Conan’s soul among the demons, If it is ghastly to him, it is no better for them.”]
  • “Cha d’ thug Fionn riamh blàr gun chumhan” [“Fionn never offered a battle without accord.”]
  • “Cothrom na Fèinne” [“The Fenian’s oppourtunity”] "a fair fight".
  • “Cho làidir ri Cù Chulainn/Garbh Mac Stairn” [“As strong as Cù Chulainn/Garbh Mac Stairn”]. We also have “Cho làidir ri Samson” [“As strong as Samson”] or “Cho làidir ris an leòmhainn” [“As strong as a lion”].
  • “Cho cuimseach làimhe ri Connlach” [“As steady-handed as Connlach.”]
  • “Cha do thrèig Fionn riamh caraid a làimh deise” [“Fionn never forsook the friend of his right hand.”]
  • “Cia faisg clach don làr, Is fhaisge na sin cobhair Choibhidh” [“However close the stone is to the floor, closer was the Coibhidh’s aid.”]
  • “Fear nach do chuir cùl ri caraid no ri nàmhaid” [“A man that never turned his back on a friend nor foe.”]
  • “Fuil mo nàmh cha d’ fhuair mi riamh, Nam bu mhiann leis falbh an sìth” [“The blood of my enemy I never did seek were he but willing to depart in piece.”]
  • Ine son ine, a Chonain” [“A nail for a nail, Conan” (An eye for an eye).]
  • “Is buaine dùthchas na oilean” [“Hereditary gifts are better than acquired ones.”]
  • “Is fhad an èigh o Loch Odha, Is cobhair o Chloinn Duibhne” [“It is a far cry from Lochawe and aid from Clan Duine.”]
  • “Na sir is na seachain ann an cath” [“Do not seek nor shun the battle.”]
  • “Na tarraing mi gun aobhar, is na pill mi gun chliù” [“Do not draw me without a reason and never return me without honour.”] ’S e seo a chanadh fear chlaidheimh na Fèinne.
  • “‘Theab is cha do rinn,’ Cù a bu mhiosa bha riamh aig an Fhinn” [“‘Almost, but didn’t do,’ the worst dog the Fenians ever had.”]
  • “Bha Fionn na thosd ’s na chuimhne” [“Fionn is silent and a memory.”]
  • “Gaoth tron aiteamh, ’s gaoth tro tholl agus gaoth nan long a’ dol fo sheòl; na trì gaothan a b’ fhuaire a dh’fhairich Fionn riamh” [“Wind through the thawing, and wind through a hole and wind of the boats under sails; the three coldest winds that Fionn ever felt.”]
  • “Mar Fionn nam buadh, na fhasgadh do shluagh na Fèinne” [“Just like Fionn of the victories, a shelter to the Fenians peoples.”]
  • “Siud mar thaghadh Fionn a chù; Sùil mar àirneig, cluas mar dhuilleig, uchd mar ghearran, speir mar chorran, ’S an t-alt-lùthaidh fad’ o’n cheann” [“This is how Fionn would choose a dog; an eye like a sloe-berry, an ear like a leaf, a chest like a garron, a hough like a sickle and a tail far from the head.”]
  • “Rughadh shuas an àm laidhe, Dh’èireadh Fionn moch sa mhadainn: Ruadhah suas sa mhoch-mhadainn, Dhèanadh Fionn an ath-chadal” [“Redening above at the time of lying down, Fionn would awaken early in the morning; Redening above in the early morning, Fionn would sleep again.”] This is said as the Gaelic view of “Red skye at night...”
  • “Cha robh cron air ach an cron a bh’ air Fionn” [“There is no ailment he has that did not ail Fionn.”]
  • “Trì coilceadha na Fèinne; bàrr gheal chrann, coinneach, ’us ùr luachair.” – Seo an trì nithein gun chleachdadh an Fhinn airson leabaidh a dhèanamh” [“Three beddings of the Fingalians; fine tops of the tree, moss, and fresh rushes.”]
  • “Cha d’ fhag claidheamh Fhinn riamh fuigheall beuma” [“Fionn’s sword never left the remainder of a stroke.”]
  • “Cha do dhìrich Fionn bruthach riamh, ’s cha d’ fhàg e bruthach gun dìreadh” [“Fionn never climbed a brae ever, and he never left a brae unclimbed.”] – They were all giants, therefore they climbed every brae without climbing them exactly as humans would properly.
  • “Eadar an t-euradh ’us aimbeairt” [“Between denial and want.”]
  • “Gun mheas gun mhiadh, mar Mhànus” [“Without praise, without esteem, such as Manus.”] This is connected to “The Lay of Manus,” where Manus, the Scandanavian King, attacked the Fenians. The Fenians won and beat Manus.
  • “Lean gu dlùth ri cliù do shinnsre” [“Follow close to the reknown of your ancestors.”]
There we have it for Proverbs about the Fenians! Do you know any of the proverbs above? Do you have any yourselves that we do not? Let us know on facebooktwitter and our own website!
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