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Seanchas a bharrachd mun Bhealltainn

Seanchas a bharrachd mun Bhealltainn

Posted by Calum on 1st May, 2024
"Happy Beltane to you all!" There was never a more happy time of the year for the Gael than "Bealltainn" and this can be seen in Gaelic folklore and the language of the Gael as well. This can be heard with "Mìos na Bealltainne" and "Mìos buchainn" for May. Therefore, 

We have done a lot of blogs about "Bealltainn": “Là Buidhe Bealltainn”; “Bailc na Bealltainn agus Oidhche Naoimh Marcais”; “Mìosachan nan Gàidheal: An Samhradh (Pàirt 1)”. Although we have written a lot about it already we have only scratched the surface or pulled a thin pale from a deep well! Therefore, here is some more folklore about "Bealltainn."

With the changing of the weather the birds return to the country. This is clear with "Calman Bealltainn” ("Beltane Dove") and "Eun-Bealltainn" (Whimprel (numenius phaeops), or “Amadan-Bealltainn”. “Boc Bealltainn” can be heard for a horse with a changed nature, out of control and wild with the coming of "Bealltainn."

The flowers return in bloom as well: The "Lus-buidhe Bealltainn" ("Marsh marigold," "Mayflower" (caltha palustris)) can be seen and the names “Beàrnan-Bealltainn” and “Dìthean-buidhe Bealltainn” can be heard.

In addition to nature, we have customs as well. We made “Bonnach Bealltainn” ("Beltane Bannock") and “Mulchag-Bhealtainn” ("Beltane Cheese-wheel"). A bannock is made at Beltane time but the "Mulchag-Bhealltainn" is kept for a year and it is eaten on "Bealltainn" to dispell evil influences and the evil eye.

I hope that you will succeed and find success in the year ahead (and “gun ith sibh copag na Bealltainne” ("that you will eat the Beltane docken," or "that you will survive the winter.")

Do you recognise the words above? Do you have any extra knowledge about Beltane. Let us know on facebooktwitter and our website.
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