Gàidhlig / English


Posted by Edit on Thursday 15 June 2017

At the time of writing, there have been a few very hot days and though I shouldn’t complain (such days tend to be quite sparse), I am happy that the weather has cooled down a bit! During the heatwave, I sometimes missed this week’s word, braon.

The word braon seems to mean ‘water’ in different forms – in the Fieldwork Archive, an example of braon was recorded in Dornie, Ross-shire, meaning ‘drizzle.’ Similarly, there are results of braon in Dwelly’s dictionary where it refers to ‘drop; rain; drizzle’; the word braon-dhealt is also found here, meaning ‘heavy dew.’

In addition, there is an example in the Fieldwork Archive of bogha-braon being used for ‘rainbow’ (most common word being bogha-froise) in Perthshire. Interestingly, there is also an example of braon in Scalpay, Harris, meaning sweat.

My favourite meaning of the word, however, was recorded in Port Charlotte, Islay, where braon means ‘warm shower in the summer.’

As usual, if you have any more information on the word braon, why not let us know below or on our Facebook or Twitter pages? I hope you will have a good summer with a braon every now and again!
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  • Admin

    Deagh bhrath-bloga an-diugh, tapadh leibh. Seo rann a bha a' cordadh riumsa 'n comhnaidh.. agus theirear seo mun Ghaoth a bhios a' seideadh tro Cheann a' Ghiuthsaich...

    "Sgaoileadh do sgiathan glas-neulach, braonach,
    Taisich gach lianag, leacainn, is bruach;
    Gluais tre na glinn ’s an caidil a’ mhaoiseach,
    ’S toigh leis an lia-chearc Gaoth Meall-a-Chuaich."

    2017-06-15 10:45:56