Gàidhlig / English


Posted by Abi on 8th December 2016
We have some properly wintery weather now which is getting colder every day. Our word of the week, gàtaire, comes from the Isle of Lewis and means someone who is always really cold, who wants a good spot by the fire and is cho fuar ris a’ bhàs [as cold as death] as was said in Harris in 1975.

The word cotag was also collected in Harris, for a woman who isn’t hardy and is always complaining about the cold. Also, this proverb was collected in North Uist for someone who always had a chill, Sròn coin is tón boireannaich [a dog’s nose and a lady’s backside].

A word collected on the Isle of Skye, aingealach, for ‘numbness, e.g. due to cold’. The word balbh was used in Ross-shire for numb – Tha mo làmh balbh leis an fhuachd ... My hand is numb with the cold.

Do you have any other words for gàtaire and for somebody who is always cold? Let us know on Facebook, Twitter or you can leave a comment under our blogs.
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