Notes: (Callanish) (seic – a semi-rigid bag, made of siaman, used for barley.) Used to describe the riding of children on an adult’s shoulder, one leg on each shoulder and round the adult’s neck. Smith A (Bragar) used for this ‘raoid (i.e. ride) a’ bhreacain uasail’. Dwelly has seic (with a Lewis definition) and poca-saic ‘a large sack thrown across a horse’s back, and large enough to contain a load’.
Location: Lewis
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
a string hung inside, stretched for hanging clothes on to dry. Cuir air an t-siaman iad.
Location: [Harris], Scalpaigh [Scalpay]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Notes: rope.
Location: Skye, Portree
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Notes: Siaman Theàrlaich* = buidhe-ròp. Siaman fraoich – heather rope. (cf. Scots simman, rope of heather etc. used in thatching.)
Location: Lewis
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
gus na cuail a cheangal, slatagan beaga caoil (’se sin barrach beithe). Dà dhual mar bu trice.
Origin: Geàrrloch (Loch Iubh) [Gairloch (Loch Ewe)]
Category: Taigh Gàidhealach / House and Furnishings
See siaman.
Location: Lewis
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous