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There were 7 hits for glasgow

Glasgow. Not Glascu as pronounced in most other places in the Highlands. According to Johnston’s Place Names of Scotland it was called Glasgo in 1116.
Origin: Assynt, Stoer
Category: Biadh is Deoch / Food and Drink
cabh (m)
a hollow; cabhan – small hollow; Glas chabh – Glasgow, the Green Hollow?
Origin: [Strathglass]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Quotation: Tha na neòil ciasgrach. Notes: threatening. (L. MacLean, Glasgow (Tiree) – ciasgranach)
Location: Tiree, Caolis
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Quotation: Bidh gu leòr a cho-long timcheall orra. Notes: seems to convey both bustle and companionship. Sometimes used of a noisy gathering of people. Source: Mrs I. MacLeod, 16 Dundasvale Court, Glasgow (Berneray?). Date: 1979.
Location: [see below]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Notes: (noun) used of a person with a tendency to hypochondria. Source: Mrs M. Morrison, 1020 Argyle St., Glasgow (Màraig, Harris). Date: 12/1977.
Location: [see below]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Quotation: Dh’fhoighnich e dha co bha a’ criochnachadh ris. Notes: said when talking of a Glasgow policeman. He asked him (the policeman) who was on the beat next to him.
Location: Skye, Sleat, Calligary
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
[fɑir] Quotation: Fair Ghlaschu [fɑir ɡɫɛsko]. Notes: Glasgow Fair.
Origin: Arran
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous

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