Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
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lunn (pl. lunnan) | Notes: a support for carrying coffin. One fixed at each end. Source: Tiree. Date: 1974.![]() |
brangas | [brɑnɡəs] Notes: Tiree form of a halter made of oak with rope above and below the nose and across the back of the neck. Source: Tiree. Date: 08/1967. |
maide | Quotation: a’ dol mar am mhaide. Notes: going in full swing. (?) Source: C. Robertson, Skye. Date: 1967. |
mar fhéin! | Notes: exclamation of wonder/surprise. Source: Mrs Nicolson, Sleat. Date: 1970. |
iarann-biorach | Notes: gophering-iron for putting wavy edge on dress mutch. Source: Mrs Nicolson, Sgullamas, Skye. Date: 1978. |
rionnach clabach | Notes: = cnàmh-rionnach. Source: John MacInnes, Daliburgh, South Uist. Date: 1978. |
sgàinteag | Notes: of ‘pats’ of cow-dung, used in Tiree for fuel for fires. Source: Mrs Mabel MacArthur (of Tiree origin). Date: 1971. |
sgart | Quotation: briseadh-sgart. Notes: hernia. Source: Murdo Morrison, Paisley. |
sgitheag | Notes: Islay word for droigheann-dubh ‘blackthorn’. Source: Neil Thomson, Muasdale. Date: 1987. |
treasg | Quotation: ’Si a’ mhuc shàmhach as motha dh’itheas dhe’n treasg. Notes: draff, refuse of malt. Source: reported by Willie Matheson – used by his mother (Ness). Date: 1969. |
feasgar | Quotation: … air na feasgraichean blàth samhraidh. Notes: see MacLennan’s Dictionary for this plural form. Source: Agnes MacLeod, Tolsta Chaolais. Date: 1979. |
[ɡɔwuməs] | Notes: rubbish, nonsense. (Phonetics as sent in by correspondent.) Source: W. Thomson, Kinlocheil. Date: 1974. |
ial | Quotation: Chan eil ial sìth eadar iad. Source: R. MacKinnon, Harris. Date: 1967. |
ògan | Quotation: “Tha ògan aige.” Notes: used of a person who has a hole in his trousers, with his shirt showing. Source: Lulag MacLean, Barra. Date: September 1969. |
sgleòtag | Notes: a variety of fish. Source: Mrs Margaret MacLeod, Point, Lewis. Date: 1989. |
priosgadh | Quotation: Ma bheir thu priosgadh air na calmain. Notes: an act of startling. Var. of briosgadh. Source: Rev. D. MacRae, Tarbert (Uig, Lewis). Date: 1979. |
seòsag | Quotation: seòsag de chat. Notes: “a little wizened creature” – animal or human. Source: Sister Margaret MacDonnell. Date: 1977. |
stampail | Notes: a person who has a very erect posture; < Eng stamp. |
sglàir | Quotation: sglàir dhaoine. Notes: a crowd of people. Source: A. MacLeod, Ness. Date: 1973. |
sgolpan | Notes: in winnowing context = moll? Source: Rev. W. MacLeod, Uig, Lewis (Barvas). Date: 1979. |
slinnteach | [ʃlʹɤ̃ĩnʹtʹɑx] Notes: long thin pieces of wood laid on top of the taobhain going from the tobhta to the gath-droma. Source: D. MacLeod, Lemreway, Lewis. Date: 1972. |
smealamas | Notes: titbits of food; also (slangily?) used of courting. Source: M. A. MacLennan, Scalpay, Harris. Date: 1970. |
spàlag | Notes: spirtle, or stick used for digging shellfish. Source: Mr. W. MacLeod, Glenelg. Date: 1970. |
streallachan | Notes: toy made with string and button. Source: Rev. D. MacInnes, Kinloch, Lewis. Date: 1971.![]() |
sùil-dhìleas | Notes: housekeeper (Barra). Source: Rev. J. Campbell, Drumnadrochit. Date: 6/1971. |
susamailt | Quotation: B’e am facal “susamailt” – sùgh nam measan air a bhruich le siùcar, mar a their sinn ’sa Bheurla, jelly. Notes: Mrs. MacFarlane heard the above word from her father, Mr. John MacCallum of Taynuilt. Source: letter from Mrs. Mary MacFarlane, Taynuilt. Date: 20/11/1966. |
steamhag | Notes: used to translate ‘switch’ (of bramble) in exam. [?] prose. Dw. steafag. (?Eng. staff) Source: Agnes MacLeod, Tolsta Chaolais, Lewis. Date: 1979. |
toirbhsginn | Notes: peat-knife. Source: Douglas MacMillan, Ardnamurchan. Date: 1975. |
treathal | Quotation: Bidh i ’na treathal. Source: Mrs Macdonald (Uig, Lewis). Date: 1967. |
ùpag | Notes: gust of wind. Source: C. Buchanan, Barra. Date: 1967. |
bideanach | Quotation: Tha e cho bideanach. Notes: fidgety, unsettled. Source: Mrs Catherine MacLeod, Ness, Lewis. Date: 1982. |
bodach-peachd | Quotation: bodach-peachd (or pheachd). Notes: ‘top layer of peat.’ Source: James Graham, Raasay. Date: 1978. |
buille-thuig | Notes: accidental blow against a stone when running bare-foot. Back, Lewis: Buille-ìg. Source: Dr John MacInnes, Skye. Date: 1967. |
bunalach | Quotation: Bha sinn ann am bunalach. Notes: dithering. Source: Mrs Robertson, Lochmaddy (Carinish). |
carabhaidh | Notes: girlfriend. Source: William MacDonald, Lewis. Date: 1973. |
càrnag | Notes: a conger eel (Kylerhea). Source: Dr T.M. Murchison. Date: 1967. |
ciubharan | Quotation: a’ togail a ciubharain ris. Notes: phrase used of a woman ‘setting her cap’ at a man. Source: Catriona MacKay, Harris. Date: 1988. |
clàimhean | Notes: (Raasay) sliding wooden bolt. Source: D. R. MacDonald, Portree High School. |
coingheall | Quotation: Thoir dhomh coingheall airgid. Notes: a loan. Used in Ross of Mull (Bunessan). Notes: A. MacKechnie. Date: 1978. |
coinneamh-uaigneach | Notes: church meeting at which only communicant members are present. Still held monthly in some Free Churches in Lewis. Source: Calum Matheson. Date: 1980. |
co-long | Quotation: Bidh gu leòr a cho-long timcheall orra. Notes: seems to convey both bustle and companionship. Sometimes used of a noisy gathering of people. Source: Mrs I. MacLeod, 16 Dundasvale Court, Glasgow (Berneray?). Date: 1979. |
craingeal | Notes: (noun) used of a person with a tendency to hypochondria. Source: Mrs M. Morrison, 1020 Argyle St., Glasgow (Màraig, Harris). Date: 12/1977. |
crionan-dearg | Quotation: An crionan-dearg is an liath-cheann anns a’ mhointich chrion thioram. Source: J. MacKay, (Lochaber). Date: 1981. |
dannsa | Quotation: Chì mi, chì mi fada bhuam / Fichead mile thar a’ chuain / Fear gun fhuil, gun fheòil, gun anail, / Dannsadh air an talamh chruaidh. Notes: Clachan-meallain. Source: M. MacPherson, Breakish, Skye. Date: 07/1974. |
driongan | [drənɡɑn] Quotation: Chan eil mi ach a’ driongan … Notes: dodging about, not doing anything much. Source: Angus Maclennan, Harris (Scarp). Date: 1983. |
fanga (?) | Quotation: [fãɣ]. Notes: weight on fishing-line (Norse borrowing). Source: R. Cox, Shawbost, Lewis. Date: 1984. |
feic | Quotation: Cha tug iad feic dha. Notes: Paid no attention. Source: Miss MacLean, Cornaig, Tiree. Date: 1971. |
gàbhaidh | Notes: menacing. Source: Lochcarron (Mrs E. MacSween). Date. 1967. |
gaoth na h-Eiphit | Quotation: Bha gaoth na h-Eiphit dheth! Notes: ‘a foul smell.’ Source: Ina MacKenzie, Lochinver. Date: 1978. |
greannach | Quotation: Is ionmhuinn leis an fheannag a h-isean greannach fhein. Source: R. Graham, Breakish, Skye. Date: 07/1974. |
goradaireachd | Notes: ‘peering’. Source: Callum Matheson, Stornoway. Date: 1977. |
gréim-a-lòin | Notes: used for rheumatism generally. Siataig not known by Ardelve informants. Source: local usage in Ardelve, Kintail (reported by Calum Thomson, Uddingston, after holidaying there). Date: 1969. |
conaroghainn | Quotation: Tha mi ann an conaroghainn. Notes: “in two minds.” Source: Mrs Kennedy, Tiree (via K. Campbell). Date: 1977. |