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There were 13 hits for dear

A dhuine chridheich!
Oh, dear me!
Origin: [Lewis, Uig an Iar]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Bheirinn a’ cnàmhan as an uir
applied to a dear or well liked person.
Location: South Uist, Garrynamonie
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
my dear boy.
Origin: [Ross-shire]
Category: Nàdur an Duine / Personality
Cho daor ris an aran mhilis. – Very, very dear in price.
Origin: [Lewis, Uig an Iar]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Sgeul a thàinig! – O my, my! Dear, dear me! ’S a leithid sin.
Origin: [Lewis, Uig an Iar]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Quotation: a’ chagair. Notes: my dear.
Location: Ross-shire, Dornie, Kilillan
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Quotation: Tha, a’ chagair. Notes: Yes, dear.
Location: Skye, Breakish
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Quotation: “… Chuala mi chuthag, a chiallan, S dh’fhaighnich mi nach deigheadh a bhliadhna leam.” – I heard the cuckoo, my dear, and I knew that this year I would not prosper. (Part of an old rhyme.) Notes: also wisdom – duine ciallach: a wise man. Sense – rud gun chiall: a thing without sense. A chiall, a chiall! ciod e so? Dear, dear! What’s this?
Origin: West Lewis [the location given on the slips]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Quotation: O chreutair! – O My dear! O My darling! Notes: Is it from this that a drop of whisky is referred to as Bonnaig dhe’n chreutair? Also used as a term of contempt: Na creutairean a tha sud!
Origin: West Lewis [the location given on the slips]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Notes: dear. Not used now.
Origin: Islay, Ballygrant
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Quotation: “O’ cha b’e sin an salainn saor!” Notes: said of anything that is dear.
Location: Islay, Port Wemyss
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Quotation: Nach ann aige bha a’ sgopadh! Notes: person bought something in a weak moment which was very dear.
Origin: Skye
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Quotation: a’ thasgaidh; mo thasgaidh. Notes: form of address – my dear.
Location: Skye, Kilmuir
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous

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