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There were 3 hits for sphagnum

red sphagnum (moss) not bog myrtle (roid).
Location: Skye
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
sphagnum moss. Disease: burst blister. Blister caused by back of shoe rubbing back of foot. Chafing between shoe and back of shoe [sic], after blister had burst and left open wound. How prepared: kept wet, and plaster on top.
Origin: [Barra]
Category: Blàthan-Leighis / Medicinal Plants
moine chalcas
So moine chòsach anns nach eil moran feuma, a dh’fhàs as a’ choinnich, gu h-àraidh ann an àiteachan far am biodh badan de ‘Sphagnum Moss’. (Co dhiù, ’s e sin a chaidh innse dhomh-sa.) Aig amannan tachraidh stiallan do’n chalcas so riut ann am poll monach réisg dubh.
Location: Lewis, Port of Ness
Category: Mòine / Peat-Working

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