Measgaichte / Miscellaneous

Informant Name
Roderick O’Henley
Roderick O’Henley
South Uist, Garrynamonie
A. O’Henley
slabustara large amount, e.g. “Seall thusa an slabustar a dh’ith an duine sin.” Usually associated with avarice and greed.
drointeadha ticking off. “Thug mi drointeadh air.”
dorsaireachdliterally walking between doors. Not going further than your house. Would be used on a rainy day when outdoor work was cancelled. “Cha robh mi ach a dorsaireachd mun taigh fad an latha.”
ràpa fragment, small portion. Would be heard as – “Cha phaighinn ràp dhe’n airgiod sin gus an tig an gnothach gu cuirt.”
breagha (-chan)ropes attached to lobster creels.
sgréitheadhwhen the tummers of a boat come apart and begin to leak it is said to be ‘sgréitheadh’.
snagadaichgnashing of teeth.
leibideachof a calamitous person.
gleodhraiswasting your time. “Dè a ghleodhrais a tha ort an diugh.”
sgriob dramaan itch just above your upper lip. Indicates that you are about to receive a drink from someone.
tormoileadhaimless wandering. “Dè an tormoileadh a tha ort mur sin.”
closnachapplied to a scrawny, poorly looking person.
clàtaira gadget used for pulling out ashes from a stove.
mean fhàsevolution.
tinneas cleithan extreme cold. “Plùpadaich ’s tinneas cleith.”
sgiùdexcessive excrement in cattle which resulted from having consumed too much cold water.
trollaisapplied to someone who spoke too fast and whom you could not understand. “Dè trollais bruidhne a bha air an duine ud?”
tàthadhpuffing and panting. “Nach ann air a tha tàthadh.”
cuibheasachnot feasable. “Chan eil e cuibheasach na rudan sin a cheannach an diugh.”
greadadh gréinesun rays.
gothailpanting. Previous two words [i.e. gothail and taghanaich] also applied to cattle who experience difficulty.
strùladhtide swishing gently against pier ramp, rocks, etc.
sgeallanyellow plant which spoiled crops. Wild mustard?
sgallaa large, predominantly flat rock.
gloudhrsimilar to Scots word ‘glower’, a deafening, steady noise.
fàireagswollen gland.
diomaida bit of wood for beating flax.
deachamhlost or missing.
caibhleachadhherding cattle.
brimilla bull seal. Also used of a fat, chubby man.
glag gàirehearty laugh.
airigh iasgaichan onshore shieling made of turfs and used by fisherman. Located near the sea.
ailis (-ean)as in casting up something from someone’s past to stir trouble. “A’ tilgeadh ailisean.”
minichneaga skin hide put over a barrel to protect the contents.
manaiga ramshackle, makeshift implement, e.g. gate.
liunn tàtha sort of cement made from shells. Not lime.
suaimhneachin the context of all day long. “Fad mhinn shuaimhneach an latha.”
laosbaganhome-made shoes.
brògan tionndaidhbrogues.
lomadal [? iomadal?]a hanger on.
geodailgossip, malicious rumours.
coileachadh an uisgebeating the water to confuse trout, making them more vulnerable.
clàbhaista noisy conversation, number of people talking simultaneously.
ciorachana man who does a woman’s work.
plinna wide grin. “Bha plinn air.”
air chialainngoing out in the morning without having eaten something. “Chaidh e mach air chialainn.”
crèidheacha hermit. Religious person.
Di Ciadaoin a bhrathWednesday of Holy Week.
dùgandark, peaty soil. Also ‘dùgan a’ gheamhraidh’ – darkest time of winter.
an earraraisthe day after the day after tomorrow.
an earradhubhwhen the moon begins to darken.
fàin an lathathe brightest part of the day.
greathan lathausually heard at dusk. “Tha greathan latha ann fhathast.”
mochranfrom early morning. “Tha e air a bhith a muigh air a’ mhonadh o mhochran.”
falaidflour sprinkled over the baking that was to be put in the oven.
gannaisgrough grass with ears. More durable and tougher than ordinary grass.
turrag (-an)troubles.
crosadhto disapprove of some habit or other, e.g. whistling on a Sunday.
pollag na Samhnaat Halloween a hole was dug in the ground by which your future fortune could be judged. If on the next day a worm was found in the said hole this indicated good luck. However, if the hole was empty this was a sign of bad luck.
àibheislarge, clumsy person.
bonnanachlarge well-built person.
buigleagchubby and rather soft person.
glaisnigthin, gaunt looking person.
pìceirmischievous rascal.
stiorraideachlong, thin, lanky, untidy looking person.
cùrachanan infant.
lolag (-an) [? iolag?]links in a chain.
geilemaidtwo or three women noisily conversing.
ràfardnonsensical talk. “Dè an ràfard a tha ort?”
fàlana children’s tea party. Also in the sense of a hiding place. “Dè fàlan a tha agad thall an sin?”
spalpadh piobplaying bagpipes with great zeal and enthusiasm.
giofalaisdoing small odd jobs.
oinnida woman who is not quite the full shilling.
lungaidha dogsbody.
siugana call to a calf.
sgliurachunworthy woman. Perhaps hinting at moral depravity.
làbrachuntidy person.
drollhump backed.
gille mìsesomeone who is forever crawling to superiors.
nimheil fuarnippy, biting weather.
logaidh bheagfringe of your hair.
luidreadhmessing about as in a child playing in soap suds. Also in sense of being tossed about whilst on a boat. “Bha mi air mo luidreadh a’ tighinn air a’ bhàta.”
balgama sip.
fionnairidhnight watching.
còmhaltransport. “Bha sinn a’ falbh air an aon chòmhal a’ dol dhan sgoil.”
déideaga doll.
sgiobaggame of tig.
cairtean bàitetwo cards found facing each other when dealing.
aineamhailproud flesh.
baltagprotruding stomach. “Nach ann air a tha a bhaltag.”
a’ bhanachdachsmallpox.
dreamasgskin being shrivelled up in appearance due to skin being burnt in the past.
gùcagan eye shaped lens onto which drops would be placed and from this put into your eye.

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