Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
- Informant Name
- R[oderick] O’Henley
- Informant(s)
- Name
- R[oderick] O’Henley
- Location
- South Uist, Garrynamonie
- Date
- [1987-88]
- Fieldworker
- A. O’Henley
- Notes
- [NOTES: some notes added (most probably by K. D. MacDonald?). See below for details.]
spriullag | process whereby the toes of a deceased person were tied together. |
fiteagan murain | patches of sea bent. [NOTES: note added above ‘t’ in ‘fiteagan’ – d.] |
maide mairt | at the end of a stall in a byre. Once the beast had entered the stall this wooden door was lowered to prevent straying out of the stall. |
glàomaire | someone without sense. |
pìle stamh | a man-made garden on which tangles were dried. Garden could be made of turfs or hogsheads supported by wooden poles. |
bun-bac | the gap between the wall of a house and the thatched overlap. |
lus-nan-laogh | a drink made of a green leaf. Boiled and given to calves for constipation. Also used to alleviate throat complaints. |
miunnd | a purple leaf used for making soup. [NOTES: note added – (mint).] |
fras nan cuiseag | the seed obtained from these rushes was used to supplement hen’s meal. |
ceann-mara | that part of a fence which stretches into a loch. |
crois iarna | used for rope-making. |
buillisg | a bucketful. [NOTES: corrected to ‘bùillisg’.] |
smuiseal | an iron board on a plough. Could be adjusted according to the amount of turf required on the blade. |
sglàmhachd | shouting. |
cunnabhalach | working at a steady pace. “Obair chunnabhalachd [sic] fad an latha.” |
sorn | a platform with a hole in its centre. [Cf. sorrag.] |
sorrag | the grain was placed in this channel which stemmed from the centre of the ‘sorn’ [q.v.]. The fire was at one end of the ‘sorrag’. However there was a sufficient gap between the fire and the grain to ensure it did not burn. |
bustrachadh | casting spells. |
drabastach | bad language. |
a’ phaidhear | afterbirth. |
plocan | a block of wood with three protruding wooden or iron prongs used for levelling off lazybeds after the potatoes had been planted. |
gormanachadh | the process whereby fish were taken off the hook. ‘Gormanaiche’ applied to the person who did this job. |
bròg a’ chruinn | this was the socket where a ship’s mast was lodged. Found in the middle of the boat. |
osan na cliabh | the hole through which the lobster entered the lobster pot. |
sgiofair | a pin through the axle which kept the wheel from falling off. |
ciochan na mnathan sidh | wild lupins, found in moorland. [NOTES: ‘ciochan’ corrected to ‘cìochan’.] |
an t-suim | water which could be taken into the boat by fish or as a result of small leaks. [NOTES: note added above ‘t-suim’ – taoim.] |
sileadh | a small seat in the back of a boat which was used by the man who baited the creels. |
bacannan | rowlocks. |
sgòthd | the name for the rope which could be adjusted according to the wind. Could be let in or out. [NOTES: corrected to ‘sgòd’.] |
an fhuilm | a bit of wood found at a boat’s helm. About two feet long and used for steering. |
ceannachagan | L shaped bits of wood which were used as supports for the seats. |
mios crochadh nan cliabh | a saying indicative of bad weather at the beginning of May. As a result the creels were not used and subsequently hung in rows. |
stòc an acaire | the bit of iron on an anchor which prevented it from falling over. [NOTES: ‘stòc’ corrected to ‘stoc’.] |
sgeith-runnag | a shooting star. Caused by bad weather. |
dreag | a falling star seen prior to someone’s death. Would fall close to a particular house. |
tearr bhuidhe | Archangel tar. Used for healing purposes after the dehorning of animals. Could also be used in boats for sealing leaks. [NOTES: ‘tearr’ corrected to ‘teàrr’.] |
taothadh | to frequent. As in: “’S minig a thaothadh a’ chreag ’s na h-eoin fhein ga fàgail.” |
glùinean shòp | eighty one ears of corn placed underneath a rock. The person who did this was supposed to say a prayer and not to tell anyone of the whereabouts of the ears. Apparently as the ears rotted, warts were supposed to disappear. This has been proved to be true. [NOTES: ‘shòp’ corrected to ‘shop’.] |
sean chramail | an old man. [NOTES: ‘sean’ corrected to ‘seann’.] |
teallach | the fire in a smithy. |
ploc mallaidh | this was the turf which was folded over when making lazybeds. |
iomaire buinn | the end of a field. |
an t-sail-bhrollaich | a bit of wood on which the cart rested. [NOTES: ‘sail’ corrected to ‘sàil’.] |
treabhallairean | the chains stretching between the cart and the horse. |
duirn | two chains on the side of the horse. They were tied to the ‘trampsaidh’. [NOTES: corrected to ‘dùirn’.] |
gige | a jaunting carriage. |
siullachan | wooden hames. They were used for ploughing. Part of horse equipment. |
ag iarraidh earnais | the borrowing of a loan. Asked for when a person was leaving his/her house for the first time. |
teinneachair | tongs used by a smithy for taking iron out of a fire. |
meall coinnain | mushroom. [NOTES: note added above ‘coinnain’ – coinein.] |
sluasaid | shovel. |
caplaid | chattering. |
nuathallan | giving an account of something. |
saic | a basket on each side of a horse. Used for carrying peat. |
staingean | reeds which are used to make creels. |
snòthaid | a trap for catching birds. |
peindeal | a trap made of rope for catching birds. |
còbhla/còmhla bhigeinnean | once the birds had strayed into a certain area a rope was pulled which brought an old door or something similar crashing down on top of these birds. |
speal-bheoil | a razor. [NOTES: ‘bheoil’ corrected to ‘bheòil’.] |
caoran-bhiagan | brambles that can be found on heather in the autumn. Could be eaten. [NOTES: note added above ‘b’ in ‘bhiagan’ – m.] |
dith-sheothaich | a weed with green stem and a white head. Would bloat an animal’s stomach if eaten. |
cliurair | a hammer for dressing stones. [NOTES: corrected to ‘cliùrair’.] |
làmhad | a heavier hammer which you used to hit the ‘cliurair’ [q.v.]. |
deiseag | velvet crab. |
cròachgainn | whelk. [NOTES: note added above – cròmhcain.] |
giomach cearr | crayfish. [NOTES: ‘cearr’ corrected to ‘ceàrr’.] |
carran creige | rock cod. Noted by having sign of the cross on the back of its neck. |
nead bramaige bleoghain | cow pat. |
mogull | a mesh net. |
cròcan feannaig | sea urchin. |
creachan | clam. |
fiasgan | mussel. |
bradan leathainn | halibut. |
breithe | the rope that ties the creel to the buoy. |
bunnabhachuille | great northern diver. [NOTES: corrected to ‘bunnabhuachuille’.] |
cathan | Canadian goose. |
dobhran | a white precious patch on a seal’s skin. |
feadag | a yellow plover. |
brìdein | oystercatcher. [NOTES: corrected to ‘brìghdein’.] |
branndair | a sort of dam which takes fresh water out to sea. Has iron rods across it to prevent clogging by seaweed. |
tarbh na sialaig | a fish which could be caught in creels. |
coire bliannain | a glittering, scaly substance visible on seaweed at night. |
iuchair | lobster’s eggs. |
craidhainn | |
maodhar | a home-made fishing fly made with hen’s feathers. |
maoghar | [See maodhar.] |
diannag | a year old ewe. [NOTES: corrected to ‘dianag’.] |
shìofall | shovel. |
loisgeann | a sledge with wooden sides, pulled by horses and used for carrying stones. |
deirceinn | a red blister on the bottom of a toe. [NOTES: corrected to ‘deircein’.] |
[dìs] | “Duine a tha dìs” – someone whose natural defences are weak in the face of viruses, etc. [NOTES: corrected to ‘dis’.] |
uchd leum | a way of jumping onto a horse. Lands flat stomached on the horse and then swings the legs over. |
ceilidh ceardaich | a saying for spending a rainy day indoors. [NOTES: corrected to ‘cèilidh ceàrdaich’.] |
’S motha do shùil na do bhrù | expression for greed. |
dubh stamh | black tangle used to alleviate indigestion. |
suthag | a patch for a shoe. |
praoidhligeadh | frying. |
sùlag | fork stamp. An earmark. |
cailleach chòsag | a beast found under stones. |
megan | an earmark. [NOTES: corrected to ‘meagan’.]![]() |
meallan uachdrach | L shape in a sheep’s ear. ![]() |
“eil dia sheo” | words that used to be said on entering a house. |
sgaoth | shoal of fish. |
snathad choilear | the needle for sowing a horse’s collar. |
donnag | fish that was found inshore beneath rocks. Usually found after high tide. |
sula | fat on the back of an eel. Sometimes used for rheumatic complaints. |
cròluib | funeral bier. [NOTES: note added above ‘uib’ in ‘cròluib’ – eab.] |
losgadh na tuis | the burning of incense. [NOTES: ‘tuis’ corrected to ‘tùis’.] |
drean dhuinnte | an underground ditch. [NOTES: corrected to ‘drèan dhùinte’.] |
leac air sleamhna | a sharp cliff. |
cùta snadh | prior to balls of wool, wool was measured to the equivalent of an ounce – ‘cùta’. The strands of wool were then made into woollen balls by a process called ‘tachrais’. [NOTES: ‘snadh’ corrected to ‘snàth’.] |
iall | the sides and bottom of shoes. |
ròsaid | a resin obtained from trees and put on wool. Prevented lice and rain penetrating the skin. |
mini(dh) | a pin with a wooden handle. Used by cobblers prior to the advent of needles. |
fraochan | the decorated part on the nose of a shoe. |
liannaraidh | the green substance that gathers on the surface of peaty water. [NOTES: corrected to ‘lianaraidh’.] |
blàr geal | a white streak in an animal’s coat. |
bun-dearg | blood in a calf’s urine. |
ceathramh-dubh | blackleg. A sort of braxy in cows. |
siollag | equivalent of ‘dàir’ in cows. Desire for mating. “Bha siollag air an làir.” [NOTES: corrected to ‘sìolag’.] |
anart sìollaidh | a sieve made of white cloth. |
seilechag [sic] | a black snail found in wet, dewy grass. A slug. |
bun-dubh | refers to corn that is black at the root. |
brunndail | grumbling. |
smiaradh | process of putting Archangel tar (tearr bhuidhe [q.v.]) in [sic] the sheep’s skin. This was done instead of dipping and prevented lice from loding [sic] [lodging?] in the skin. |
preasa nan luch | tufted vetch. [NOTES: note added – = peasair luch?] |
greim lòin | rheumatism. |
àd bhioraid | made with rushes with a braid / brim. Made for children and worn when they were tending cattle. |
bun dubh | refers to corn that is black at the roots. |
bragaire | a red seaweed. This was spread on the machair and left to dry. It was then heated and sent to the mainland to be used as kelp. Also used as fertiliser for hay crops. Known as ‘Bragaire Fheill Padruig’. |
feamainn bhuidhe neo buidheagach | loch water running into the sea had the effect of turning the seaweed to a yellow colour. Not very good as a fertiliser. |
mapaid | a brush made with animal hair and used for tarring boats. |
cailleachan-uisge | soggy potatoes. |
balg uisge | this water bag preceded the birth of a calf. People could judge the time of birth once this water bag had been produced. |
bocsa roighdaidh | a large wooden box 15" x 12" used for keeping lobsters fresh for a fortnight. This was floated inshore at a time when lobster collections did not take place so often. |
iasg drioman | a fish that could not be caught by hook. Instead it was caught by holding a net in the air thereby catching the fish when it leapt up. It could jump about 24". A red mullet. |
runnach clabach | a small, brown coloured mackerel used for bait but not for household purposes. |
pronnastan | this was the sulphur put in rocks to keep iron posts in place. |
garradh droma | a turf wall made in moorland with the objective of preventing sheep from straying infield. Prior to the era of fences. [NOTES: ‘garradh’ corrected to ‘gàrradh’.] |
haillead | the rope by which the sail was hoisted. [NOTES: note added – from ‘halyard’.] |
’ga hòiseadh | lifting the sail against the mast. [NOTES: note added – from ‘hoist’.] |
riofainean | small ropes which were beside each other on the sail. In windy conditions four of these would be tied to make the sail smaller. |
marag mhaduinn | oatmeal, flour, onions, lard, salt and pepper. Mixed together and baked in a cake tin. Left to cool till morning, then fried and eaten with the usual breakfast. |
sgùdladh | messing about in water. [NOTES: corrected to ‘sgudladh’.] |
bonnach grùthainn | a saithe’s liver mixed with flour. Boiled in the same pot as the saithe but separated by being placed on a plate at the top of the pot. |
buinnteagan | a red coloured plant that grew in weak soil. Could be eaten and had a sour taste. |
slinndair | a long flat stone used as a bridge across a ditch or river. |
a bhuaill(e) àird | the highest hill in the middle part of a village. |
miomhalaich | licking something. “Bha iad miomhalach [sic] air strùthan.” [NOTES: corrected to ‘mìomhalach’.] |
clìopadh | an earmark where a line goes through almost all of the ear leaving it without feeling so that it folds over. [NOTES: corrected to ‘cliopadh’.] |
an ubhla bhàn | a red and white seen on the potato leaves. Usually seen in July. |
spearrach | used to tie sheep’s legs when it was being sheared or slaughtered. |
eiteach | what is left after heather fires. Black dust. |
gucag bhàite | a cupped plant found in lochs, usually in the deepest part of the loch. [NOTES: note added – water-lily.] |
brèide | bandage. |
cuaran | a leather stookie for an injured finger. Like the finger of a glove and tied behind the wrist with a leather strap. |
ciutagan | home-made stockings. |
corca a mhadaidh ruaidh | a white-leafed grass that grew in land that had been ploughed the previous year. |
fòdhlach | a soft grass that grew on the machair, especially in the cattle fold (cuidhe). Of poorer quality than normal grass. |
annaid | the leavings of dough which are thrown away. |
peam a’ bhaile | this refers to the people in a village who dealt with administrative and land questions. The more intelligent in a village. [NOTES: ‘peam’ corrected to ‘pèam’.] |
lòn shitig | applied to an untidy, dirty house. |
daithearra | dark, dusky appearance. |
claisainneach | a deed or utterance being spread far and wide. “Bhiodh e claisainneach sin a radh.” |
deargan traghad | lice found on seaweed. [NOTES: ‘traghad’ corrected to ‘tràghad’.] |
feodhachan deoch | tipsy. [NOTES: notes added – ‘Bha’ before the phrase and ‘air’ after forming a sentence ‘Bha feodhachan deoch air.’] |
maodhag | the first egg laid by a hen. Notable by the absence of the egg shell. |
a’ càsaigeadh chlach | in road building. Process of putting rocks in the appropriate places. |
saoidhainn cruaidh | after being salted the fish was dried above the fire. It was then put in sacks and eaten during the winter. |
clàragan | for unsightly, protruding teeth. |
cnagan | bits of wood that were part of the tether on a horse. The bits of wood were on each side of the horse’s face and when the horse tugged at the tether the wood tightened on each side. |
leasachadh | extra seaweed being put on the land. |
feaslaichean | warble fly. Picked up from the ground and developed through the cow’s leg till it reached its back. Would be ready to be uprooted in summer. [NOTES: corrected to ‘fèaslaichean’.] |
stallan | a horse that has not been castrated. |
anabristeadh | applied to someone who was short of breath. [NOTES: notes added – ‘Thàinig’ before the word and ‘air’ after to form a sentence ‘Thàinig anabristeadh air.’] |
torra | auger, borer. A joiner’s tool. |
giomalaid | another word for the above [i.e. auger, borer; cf. torra]. |
galair an dumalais | the disease whereby the green/blue bile sachet on a liver burst with the result that the animal was poisoned. |
a’ bhoill | a disease affecting the head of the horse. Its symptoms were an acute form of dizziness which resulted in death. The illness had a plant or root as its origin. [NOTES: corrected to ‘a’ bhoil’.] |
pliusgan | the flukes of an anchor. [NOTES: corrected to ‘pliùsgan’.] |
coite | a skiff (small boat). |
geingeichean iaruinn | iron rods used for splitting rocks. From eight to twelve inches in length. |
siochdaire | a piteous person. [NOTES: corrected to ‘sìochdaire’.] |
dìorsnain | draught players – the actual objects. |
casan cainnaba | an indication of bad weather. Took the form of rays descending from the rain clouds and going past through the sun. |
breacadh a’ runnaich | scaly appearance of the clouds indicating rain. Usually seen in the evening. Like a mackerel’s back. |
faiche | inlets near the shore where lobsters could be caught at low tide. Caught with the aid of a ‘croman’. |
geallach an abaichidh | seen in mid October. Distinct since it was lower than in the other seasons. |
paisainn | another word for a faint. [NOTES: note added above ‘ainn’ in ‘paisainn’ – ean.] |
coimheadaidh | someone who was employed to ensure that sheep did not stray from the hills to lower ground in the village. |
dealachadh nan tràithean | when day becomes night. |
miall | an ulcer on a horse’s upper lip. |
aotroman | bladder. |
geithe cruinn | the part of a plough where the handles join the bottom of the plough. |
badag | a duster made of feathers used to clean ovens or a griddle. |
caitheamh | tuberculosis. |
tàl | a carpenter’s tool for cutting away surface wood. Like an axe with an arched blade at right angles to the handle. |
lòn thunnag | where ducks swam and cleaned themselves. |
èan bàn a’ sgadain | gannet. [NOTES: ‘èan’ corrected to ‘èun’.] |
lacha choilaireach | a duck with a white ring round its neck. |
sgarbh buill | cormorant with a white circle on its side. [NOTES: ‘buill’ corrected to ‘buil’.] |
sgarbh topanach | cormorant with one single black feather sticking out of its head. |
cluasan torclach | Highland calves born with the distinct mark of having pierced ears. More than one hole in each ear. A genealogical feature. |
an t-suil liath | near the ‘maodal mór’? Bile duct, organ for secretion? Check. |
marag dhùthcha | the entrail that carries excretion. |
deisginn | not rennet but something that was close to the ‘maodal mór’. |
mogainn | the hairs on the lower part of a horse’s foot. [NOTES: corrected to ‘mogain’.] |
luidhainnean | fetlock. [NOTES: note added above – luidheinean.] |
maothan | the tender bit at the bottom of a horse’s foot. Could be painful if a horse was badly shod. |
ballan uisge | a water tub. |
lùga | a bait obtained from the shore. Grey worms. [NOTES: corrected to ‘luga’.] |
ciaban | gullet. |
sgròban | the red bit of flesh under a cockerel’s throat. |
glùinean | iron bands on the sides of a cart. |
tinneas a’ rìgh | an open wound in the neck. Constantly septic and flowing. If the wound was closed, this would result in death. |
cailleach chathaidh | a box with metal drums inside it. Used for winnowing. When you turned its handle round, the chaff was blown out through holes in the drums. [NOTES: ‘chathaidh’ corrected to ‘chàthaidh’.] |
eithe | a file. |
balg snamh | next to the fish’s backbone. [NOTES: ‘snamh’ corrected to ‘shnàmh’.] |
currain nan each | a carrot-shaped weed given to horses as food. Found on the machair. |
stiurr a’ ghiomaich | a lobster’s antennae. [NOTES: ‘stiurr’ corrected to ‘stiùr’.] |
druim sùirn | a bit of wood going across the kiln. The ‘ciullean’ were attached to this. ![]() |
moull | oatmeal and water. Given to horses for nourishment. [NOTES: corrected to ‘moll’.] |
locair ghròbaidh | lister plane. |
feobhas | relief, healing. “Fhuair e feobhas.” |
cròcan gaosaid | a wooden cross used for rope-making. |
sùgan | a grass rope. |
cris cabhlaich | a rope made of straw. [NOTES: note added above – crios connlaich/cannlaich.] |
colomadh | another word for dyeing. |
githeagan tolltach | a thistle found in corn crops. Note as sore a sting as with the original. |
snagadaich | chattering. |
cobla | a small boat used between the shore and a boat on a mooring. [NOTES: corrected to ‘còbla’.] |
ruaigean | an excursion, a walk, visit, etc. “Chaidh mi air ruaig sìos am baile.” |
sgarbh sgùmbain | same as previously mentioned ‘sgarbh topanach’ [q.v.]. [NOTES: ‘sgùmbain’ corrected to ‘sgumbain’.] |
aileasach | fussy person. Difficult to please. [NOTES: corrected to ‘àileasach’.] |