Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
- Informant Name
- R[oderick] O’Henley
- Informant(s)
- Name
- R[oderick] O’Henley
- Location
- South Uist, Garrynamonie
- Date
- [1987-88]
- Fieldworker
- A. O’Henley
- Notes
- [NOTES: some notes in pencil most probably added by K. D. MacDonald. See below for details.]
an ion ’s a bhith | on the point of. |
cò is fhearr sealbh air | who is going to be the lucky recipient. |
ionga na h-oirlich | smallest possible space. |
bàta iolla | a small boat for fishing the banks or fishing grounds close to the shore. |
gulm, an | cataract on eye. Also in sense of a dark spot in corn ears. |
glais-ceap | bits of turf placed on the top of house wall on a thatched house. Prevented drip from thatch entering through the wall. Through time grass would grow through the turf which would be eaten by sheep and cattle if they could reach. |
Là a’ Bhrochain Mhóir | Maundy Friday when according to informant porridge was poured into the sea to ensure adequate supply of seaweed. |
làdhadh | rutting in cats. |
deiseag | a sheep on its backside. |
geilleart | barking. |
lòban | a sledge with wickerwork sides to drag peats, dung, etc. |
dàidseach | a heavy blow. |
gathan gainnisg | dried sedge which was used as a lighted torch which was carried at Halloween. |
fuaireadh | coldness. |
fuaireas | irritability and stampeding of cattle due to cold weather. |
curadan | a hermit. |
maidneag | morning star. |
mairsteannach | used to mean strong, sturdy, especially when talking about children. |
foirfeideach | a kind of special constable in village who sorted out land disputes and assessed damages. |
marbhanach | wool that is taken of a dead sheep. |
fighe cas feannaige | herring bone stitching. |
cuach | roll of rope, wire, etc. |
critheamh gorm | an illness affecting cattle, especially heifers. |
fàineadh | to bend or incline, e.g. “Cuir fàineadh beag eile ann.” |
creagach | fishing from a rock or climbing rocks to see or plunder birds’ nests. |
faochag | area in forehead of cattle where they can be killed by a blow. |
meangbhlàth | lukewarm. |
naimhreach | brave (North Uist). |
òsgan | applied to a yearling sheep which has not developed as well as it should have. Also applied to humans. |
othannach | used of cattle who lose their appetite. |
crògadh | handling the sheep for those that are shearing them. |
dubhach | particular type of peat which is found about a foot from the surface of peat bank and which was used for dyeing. |
còs | nest of a hen found outside the henhouse. |
piacan | a person who has a weakness in his chest, or having chest tones. |
coilleag | a hillock or hummock. |
am ploc | a disease in cattle, noticeable by a lump on the throat. |
pocan-òrdaig | a conical shaped paper bag used for sweets, broken biscuits and the like. |
cnaimh pòsaidh, pòsda | wishbone. |
priobairean | blinders for a horse. |
claob | a big ungainly woman, characterised by a big open mouth. |
do-fhear | a rascal. |
doighneach | ugly. |
soighneach | ugly. |
ciortalaich | to move yourself about till you are comfortable. “Ciortalaich thu fhein an sin ’s toisichidh sinn.” |
raspars | boisterous behaviour. |
rongas | stem of laminaria. |
cas bheag | when drying peats one peat is placed horizontally on its edge whilst two other peats rest on it. |
sgat | a portion of machair land. |
càinealachadh an latha | daybreak. |
sgian achlais | a knife carried in your sleeve, near the armpit. |
sgluidseach | a large button used in oilskins and overcoats. |
sgloidseach | [See sgluidseach.] |
cadalan tràgha | a starfish. |
sguairne | an objectionable, large woman. Also in sense of anything large and objectionable. |
cailleach | a partly rotten potato when planted still adhering to the shaw when new potatoes are lifted. |
Sheas e suas orm | a Uist expression meaning that ‘I was surprised’. |
buileach bonn siar | wholly. [NOTES: note added in pencil: Cha robh e [buileach bonn siar] – not the full shilling (mentally).] |
siocanaich | to milk to the very last drop. |
siopanaich | to milk to the very last drop. |
bùirseach | an advanced stage in drunkenness. |
sìolachd | rutting in mares. |
caora bhrògach | a blackfaced sheep. |
smeachan | also in sense of foot pin in cas chrom. |
siubhal sithe | effortless, quick movement. |
buaile thodhair | cattle kept here overnight to prevent them from straying into growing crops. |
ceann snaoidh (th) | leader especially of Christmas revellers. |
O breallan ort | a mild rebuke. |
solladh | a cutting or opening. Also in sense of shellfish used for bait. |
solus biorach | St. Elmo’s Fire supposed to signify future tragedy. |
a’ sorchairt | enquiring. |
bonnach luirg | a reward, a cake or some kind of food given to person who found or reported the sighting of a young animal such as a lamb or calf. |
spannadh | a strong pull or wrench. “Bheir sinn dha aon spannadh eile.” |
bodach baic | the first peat from the edge of the peat bank. |
spìd | “Dè spìd a tha ort?” – How are you? |
blaigh riachd | leaving something in a state of mess, disorder, e.g. “Dh’fhàg iad an talla na blaigh riachd as deidh an dannsa.” Also used to describe careless, scruffy appearance. [NOTES: corrected to ‘blaigh-riachd’.] |
stabhcaireachd | aimless movement to and fro. |
bior-chul-chas | a cross pin pushed through the hind legs, tendons of a flayed animal which was to be hung up to dry. |
stealladh | rutting in mares. |
stiorlach | thin liquid drink such as tea. |
beò-chloimh | new wool growing under old fleece before the latter is cut. |
surrag | a waterhole in which animals can become bogged. |
taghaistean | spaces in creels by which they can be lifted. |
boinne taige | pitter patter, e.g. of drops of rain. |
tàilleach | an apprentice. |
àt-reum | swelling in the back of the throat. |
teine adhair | sparks which you see after receiving a blow on the head. |
bachrain | cows dung used as fuel e.g. in Tiree. Is it from Scots word ‘bachram’? |
tìr bhuana | celebration feast at the end of harvesting. |
trao ghamhnach | a cow without calf for two years. |
aran cridhe | gingerbread. |
ascall | loss of cattle in the spring. |
alltrabadh | a mischance. |