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There were 81 hits for laogh

Thilg i a laogh
Origin: Barra
Category: Crodh / Cattle
’S olc a bhò nach fhearr na laogh.
Location: North Uist, Grimsay, Gearradh Dubh
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
[glas is iuchair]
a’ cheud toimhseachan a chuala mi riamh: Bó odhar, bó odhar / An dorus an t-sobhail / I cnàmh a cìr / Is laogh ’na gobhal. (Glas is iuchair)
Origin: Geàrrloch (Loch Iubh) [Gairloch (Loch Ewe)]
Category: Taigh Gàidhealach / House and Furnishings
“’S fhearr aon laogh coir na dà chraiceann.”
Location: North Uist, Grimsay
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Chuireadh e an laogh bho dheoghail. It would “scunner” a toad.
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Is fhearr aon laogh na dà chraiceann.
Location: South Uist, Lochcarnan
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
“’S ioma rud a tha an cois a’ laoigh nach saoill a mhàthair.” – a proverb which refers to the unpredictability of someone you might trust implicitly.
Location: South Uist, Iochdar
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Laogh is gamhainn – calf and stirk.
Origin: Lochaber
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Note 2: Herbal cures were bottled, for example the dispensary from Lus-nan-Laogh, calf plant, was. It had a very sour taste, and showed the colour of black in the bottle, or a very dark colour. This plant was very popular with cures, it served as a cure in other words for many ailments.
Location: Na Hearadh, Scalpaigh [Harris, Scalpay]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
[NOTES: both slipped under ‘laogh’ with ‘a. laogh firionn’ and ‘b. laogh boirionn’ as the quotation. Definition: a. male calf; b. female calf.]
Origin: Kill-Fhinn
Category: Crodh / Cattle
agh air a ceud laogh
heifer in calf, usually 2-3 years old.
Origin: [the questionnaire gives Ross-shire but it is most probably meant as the county not origin]
Category: Crodh / Cattle
an cruban ( an crùban)
[pron.] B’ e seo galair a bhiodh a’ tighinn air crodh Gàidhealach (no smait air crodh sam bith) le a bhith air droch fheur, droch muis [?] ’s mar sin, agus le cus deoghail a bhith air a dheanamh orra leis an laogh. ’S ann deireadh an t-samhraidh agus as t-fhoghar a bhiodh an galair-sa an cumantas. Chan fhaca mise an galair-sa a riamh agus cha chuala, ach tha lorg agam gu robh a leithid sin.
Origin: [Lewis, Uig an Iar]
Category: Crodh / Cattle
an laogh
Origin: Lochaber
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
a’ biadhadh
feeding. Bhia mi an laogh. (Tiree)
Origin: Tiree
Category: Crodh / Cattle
a’ lasachdainn
Quotation: Tha [kɾɛ̃:əṉ] a’ bhò air [ɫɑsɑxkĩnʹ] ’s cha bhi tiotadh [ɡɔmi] laogh aice.
Origin: Bunloit
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
bo òg na agh aig a cheud laogh
Origin: [Arran]
Category: Crodh / Cattle
Quotation: laogh firionn boirionn, uan firionn boirionn. Notes: one testicle missing.
Origin: Strontian
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Quotation: Chaisg iad na h-uain; laogh air a chasg. Notes: wean.
Location: Skye, Kilmuir
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Na crodhanan boga a th’air laogh nuair a tha e air a bhreith.
Origin: [Lewis, Uig an Iar]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Quotation: Chaisg iad na h-uain. Laogh air a chasg. Notes: wean.
Location: Skye, Kilmuir
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
cur laogh
cow calving. (Stoer, Assynt)
Origin: Assynt, Stoer
Category: Crodh / Cattle
[d̪oṉɑɫiç] Quotation: A’ bho a’ donalaich nuair a theid a’ laogh a thoirt air falbh uaipe. Notes: low, mourning sound.
Location: Skye, Elgol
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Quotation: laogh féidh. Notes: fawn.
Origin: North Uist
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Quotation: laogh firionn boirionn; uan firionn boirionn. Notes: one testicle missing.
Origin: Strontian
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
bò chaidh seach laogh ach aig am bheil bainne s tha am bainne blasta.
Location: Lewis, Arnol
Category: Crodh / Cattle
[ɫɤ:ɣ] Notes: calf of a cow or deer.
Location: Ross of Mull
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Origin: Barra
Category: Crodh / Cattle
This was the general term applied to calf either male or female.
Origin: Inverness-shire, Nethy Bridge
Category: Crodh / Cattle
(for a year)
Origin: Mull, Bunessan, Ardtun or Mull, Tobermory
Category: Crodh / Cattle
Origin: Mull, Bunessan, Ardtun or Mull, Tobermory
Category: Crodh / Cattle
Quotation: laogh féidh. Notes: fawn.
Origin: North Uist
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Quotation: laogh firionn boirionn. Notes: a calf with one testicle missing. Also “uan firionn boirionn”.
Origin: Strontian
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
[ɫw:ɣ] Notes: calf.
Origin: Sutherland, Embo
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
a calf.
Origin: [Arran]
Category: Crodh / Cattle
Origin: [Arran]
Category: Crodh / Cattle
Origin: [Barra]
Category: Crodh / Cattle
Origin: [Barra]
Category: Crodh / Cattle
Origin: [Barra]
Category: Crodh / Cattle
laogh (E)
Origin: [Lewis, Uig an Iar]
Category: Crodh / Cattle
laogh (m)
Origin: [Skye, Camus Chroise]
Category: Crodh / Cattle
laogh (m), laoigh (pl)
Origin: Tiree
Category: Crodh / Cattle
laogh a deothal a mhàthair
deocadh a mhàthar.
Location: Lewis, Arnol
Category: Crodh / Cattle
laogh an cois a mhàthair
laogh fodha màthair.
Location: Lewis, Arnol
Category: Crodh / Cattle
laogh boirean
[female] calf.
Origin: Geàrrloch [Gairloch]
Category: Crodh / Cattle
laogh boirean
calf (female).
Origin: Kill-Fhinn
Category: Crodh / Cattle
laogh boireann
quey calf.
Origin: Leodhas [Lewis], Uig
Category: Crodh / Cattle
laogh boirionn
female calf.
Origin: ([Canada], Inverness Co.) or ([Canada], Inverness Co.) or ([Canada], Victoria Co.)
Category: Crodh / Cattle
laogh boirionn
female calf.
Origin: [the questionnaire gives Ross-shire but it is most probably meant as the county not origin]
Category: Crodh / Cattle
laogh boirun
Location: Lewis, Arnol
Category: Crodh / Cattle
laogh boise
a sucker.
Origin: Barra
Category: Crodh / Cattle
laogh carrach
hairless calf (usually when male mates with his mother).
Origin: [Barra]
Category: Crodh / Cattle
laogh cois
Location: Lewis, Arnol
Category: Crodh / Cattle
laogh fioran
[male] calf.
Origin: Geàrrloch [Gairloch]
Category: Crodh / Cattle
laogh fireann is boirionn
Origin: Lochaber
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
laogh firinn
Location: Lewis, Arnol
Category: Crodh / Cattle
laogh firinn
calf (male).
Origin: Kill-Fhinn
Category: Crodh / Cattle
laogh firionn
male calf.
Origin: ([Canada], Inverness Co.) or ([Canada], Inverness Co.) or ([Canada], Victoria Co.)
Category: Crodh / Cattle
laogh firionn
male calf.
Origin: [the questionnaire gives Ross-shire but it is most probably meant as the county not origin]
Category: Crodh / Cattle
laogh pùcaid
a calf reared by drinks out of a bucket. [NOTES: ‘pùcaid’ corrected to ‘pucaid’.]
Location: South Uist, Garrynamonie
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
laogh tairbh
bull calf.
Origin: Leodhas [Lewis], Uig
Category: Crodh / Cattle
laogh – damh, – tarbh
Location: Na Hearadh, Gòbhaig [Harris, Gobhaig]
Category: Crodh / Cattle
laogh – gamhainn (1 yr), ugh (2 yrs), mart
Location: Na Hearadh, Gòbhaig [Harris, Gobhaig]
Category: Crodh / Cattle
Notes: a stuffed calf.
Location: Glendale
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Notes: calf at foot.
Location: Skye, Kilmuir
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Origin: Mull, Bunessan, Ardtun or Mull, Tobermory
Category: Crodh / Cattle
healthy, fluffy coat of hair on cattle as a result of being fed by the above meal [i.e. min laogh (q.v.)].
Location: South Uist, Lochcarnan
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
[See maodal] Fuaimnich seo dìreach mar a tha e sgrìobhte (a réir dòigh na Gaidhlige) ach cur fuaim ‘gh’ an àite fuaim an ‘mh’. Leis an seo bidh e dìreach mar a tha e air a fhuaimneachadh againne. Luamha, ’se seo a’ bhinid anns an laogh agus a’ ghlas ([pron.] a’ ghlās) anns a’ chaoraich. Sin mar a tha iad againne mur a h-eil mise a’ dol ceàrr. (Feuchaibh Nic Neacail. Agus bu chòir gu’n innseadh i dhuibh mar a dheanadh iad binid airson bainne-binid (‘bainne-air-bhinid’ a th’againne).
Origin: [Lewis, Uig an Iar]
Category: Crodh / Cattle
lus nan laogh
black roots were boiled. Wool steeped in this to give a black colour.
Location: South Uist, Iochdar
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Note: grows in wet places.
Origin: Uig
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
a drink made of a green leaf. Boiled and given to calves for constipation. Also used to alleviate throat complaints.
Location: South Uist, Garrynamonie
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
it may not be referred to in a vocabulary but it was once orally, as a medical cure for skin eruption, or skin disease, boils etc. [SLIP: Old medical cure for ailments of the skin (boils, etc.).]
Location: Na Hearadh, Scalpaigh [Harris, Scalpay]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Calf plant. Disease: bad blood, e.g. boils. Part used: the whole plant’s infusion. How prepared: boiled in water, and then the water drunk, a little occasionally. Sources of information: traditionally. A lady still living on Scalpay told me her father drank it for boils on the skin, and he was cured likewise. It was traditionally referred to here (Scalpay) that the plant of which the medical curable properties, [sic] necessary for the patient’s cure, was within a little distance of the house he lived in.
Location: Harris, Scalpay
Category: Blàthan-Leighis / Medicinal Plants
mart ann a(n) laogh
cow in calf.
Origin: Mull, Bunessan, Ardtun or Mull, Tobermory
Category: Crodh / Cattle
[mĩə̃ɣɑl] Quotation: [mĩə̃ɣɑl] dhan a’ laogh. Notes: loving towards the calf
Location: North Uist, Bayhead, Kylis
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
min laogh
brown meal mixed with hot water and some salt added. Stirred and left to thicken overnight.
Location: South Uist, Lochcarnan
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
na gleodhan
covering on a lamb when born. Na glodhan. (‘Na gleodhan’ a chanas sinne.) “Uan anns na gleodhan.” Canadh sinn cuideachd “laogh anns na gleodhan.”
Origin: Leòdhas [Lewis], Uig an Iar
Category: Caoraich / Sheep
bò tri bliadhna le bainne gun laogh.
Location: Lewis, Arnol
Category: Crodh / Cattle
a pet name for a calf who was fed by bucket feed – ‘laogh pùcaid’. [NOTES: ‘pùcaid’ corrected to ‘pucaid’.]
Location: South Uist, Bornish
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
[ʃtʹe:lʹɑṉ] Quot.: “Shlaod a’ laogh a’ stéillean as a bhalla.” Note: a wooden or iron bar fixed on to wall of a byre, and to which a cow’s or calf’s neck rope was fixed.
Location: Harris, Quidinish
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
[bò] a chaidh seach laogh tri tuiris ach tha bainne aige or aiche.
Location: Lewis, Arnol
Category: Crodh / Cattle
Quotation: Thilg i an laogh. Notes: abort.
Origin: Port Charlotte
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous

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