Reothairt an diugh, conntraigh am maireach. Up today, down tomorrow.
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Rabhairt an diugh is conntraigh am maireach. Up today and down tomorrow. [NOTE in second hand: Spring tide to-day, neap-tide to-morrow.]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Quotation: reothart mór na h-Fhéill Pàruig (sic). [NOTES: slipped under ‘Fèill Pàdruig’.]
Location: Tiree, Heylipool [sic]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
mullach reothart
Origin: Harris, Horgabost or Harris, Kyles Stockinish
Category: Sìde / Weather
Quotation: reothart mór Fhéill Phàruig. Notes: also known as “reothart mór nan eun” – the sea birds wouldn’t nest until it was over.
Location: Skye, Portree
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Quotation: reothart mór na h-Fheill Pàruig (sic). Notes: the biggest spring tide in the year (27th March – old reckoning, 17 March – new reckoning).
Location: Tiree, Heylipool [sic]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Location: Na Hearadh, Gòbhaig [Harris, Gobhaig]
Category: Sìde / Weather
Quotation: Reothart [ˈroidʹ] ’na buille. Notes: high tide (24 hours after new moon and full moon).
Location: Skye?, Braes, Baile Meadhonach
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
[ˈroəḏ] Quotation: [t̪ɔpˈroəḏ]. Notes: the height of the spring tide.
Location: Lewis, Barvas
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Origin: Harris, Horgabost or Harris, Kyles Stockinish
Category: Sìde / Weather
Quotation: [rɑvɑrtʹ] (rabhairt). Notes: spring tide.
Origin: Islay, Port Charlotte
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Quotation: mullach reothairt.
Origin: Tiree
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous