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There were 10 hits for balt

Na pàirtean aig bròig. An dà phàirt mhór aig bròig: An t-uachdar. Am bonn. Beul na bròige. An strap-sàileach. Na sùilean. Sàil na bròige ’s Sròn na bròige aig a’ cheann eile. An cnap. An seangadh – ’S ann mar ‘faigheadh’ (fuaim caol) a chanas sinne seo. Ach ’se seangadh a th’ann cho fad’s is aithne dhomh. Far am bheil a’ bhròg a’ fàs seang. An dearcadh. Am balt. An teanga. Am fraochan. Bròg-built – Bròg air a’ fuaigheal le sreangan. (Sreangan – shoemaker’s thread.) Bròg built tonnidh [?] sibh i le gréim air sròn agus sàil. Bròg air a fuaigheal leis an iarunn, tha i cruaidh. Pàirt eile de an bhròig: Am bonn linigidh – tha seo a stigh fo an bhonn mhór. Cho dubh ri bréid na bròige, chanadh na bodaich. Bhiodh bréid aodaich anns na brògan, uaireigin.
Origin: [Lewis, Uig an Iar]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Quotation: Tha balt a’ tighinn air an là. Notes: first sign of daybreak.
Location: [see below]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
soft breeze.
Location: Harris, Scalpay
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
[bɑɫt̪] Quotation: balt na bròige. Notes: welt.
Location: Islay, Port Wemyss
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
the side of a shoe. “Thàinig i air falbh bho’n bhalt.”
Location: South Uist, Garrynamonie
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
[bɑɫt̪] Quot.: balt uisge. Note: a heavy plump of rain.
Location: [Lewis], South Lochs, Caversta
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Quotation: Balt Bealltainn. Notes: short heavy shower in May.
Origin: Islay, Port Charlotte
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Notes: the welt of a shoe.
Origin: North Uist
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
man’s collar (Arran, S.W.).
Origin: [Strathglass]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
balt (m)
a man’s collar, also muince, also bonna.
Origin: [Strathglass]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous

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