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There were 5 hits for goileam

ag goileam
Location: Harris, Sgarastamhor
Category: Nàdur an Duine / Personality
gossip. “Nach ann aice a bha an goileam a raoir.”
Location: North Uist, Carinish, Trianaid House
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
loud chatter.
Origin: [Note: From North Uist, information from Alex O’Henley / RÓM 4 Dec 2023]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
goileam (f.n. )
[?] a gossipy woman.
Location: Harris, Sgarastamhor
Category: Nàdur an Duine / Personality
goileam (n)
meaningless talk.
Location: Harris, Sgarastamhor
Category: Nàdur an Duine / Personality

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