an caisean uchd
the fat skin covering the point of the breast of a sheep. This was thumped very hard with the fist, the knife being held so that the handle protruded slightly, giving added hardness to the blow. The skin was then cut off with quite a portion of fat sticking to it, and a red hot cinder put inside, the whole being placed in the fire, where the wool was completely singed off and the ‘skin’ cooked. It was quite a succulent bite!
Origin: Lewis, Uig
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
irritable person. Caisean grànnda.
Location: Harris, Scalpay
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
[?] roasted tail.
Location: Na Hearadh, Gòbhaig [Harris, Gobhaig]
Category: Biadh is Deoch / Food and Drink
[?] irritable person.
Location: Na Hearadh, Scalpaigh [Harris, Scalpay]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
irritable person. Caisean grànnda. [Scalpay]
Location: Na Hearadh, Scalpaigh [Harris, Scalpay]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Quot.: an caisean. Note: Acc. to N.C. “bhiodh iad (nuair a mharbhadh iad caora) a deanamh gearradh sios gach a taobh dhan a mhaodal agus a toirt am pìos so as. Bhiodh iad an uairsin a dathadh a’ chloimh agus a’ bruich an caisean cómhla ris a’ cheanna-chasach [q.v.]”.
Origin: [Lewis], Arnol
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
caisean (uchd)
strip 4 in wide cut of breast of ‘mult’ above the ‘a mhaothain’ (solar plexus) right down to the crotch to enable the butcher to get into the belly cavity.
Location: Lewis, Arnol
Category: Crodh / Cattle
caisean ochd
skin on breast, a tit-bit at killing time. Skin was cut off, with wool still on, a red hot cinder put inside and left to cook!
Origin: Lewis, Uig
Category: Caoraich / Sheep
[kɑʃɑṉkɛ̃ɑx] Quot.: “’S e fìor chaisean-coimheach a th’ann.” Note: used of a short-tempered, aggressive man. (“Caisean-coimheach” primarily [?] a “rotach”.)
Location: Harris, Northton
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
[kɑʃɑ̃ṉkɛ̃ɑx] Note: a “rotach” – annual spell of very bad weather.
Origin: Scarista
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
[kɑʃɑṉkũ̟ɑx] Quot.: “Caisean-cumhach na Bealltainn”. Note: spell of bad weather at the beginning of May.
Location: [Lewis], S. Lochs, Gravir
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
[kɑʃɑnkũ̟ɑx] Quot.: “caisean-cumhach na Bealltainn”. Note: a “rotach”, spell of bad weather at the beginning of May.
Origin: Uig
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
breast strip.
Location: Na Hearadh, Gòbhaig [Harris, Gobhaig]
Category: Biadh is Deoch / Food and Drink
Origin: Geàrrloch [Gairloch]
Category: Caoraich / Sheep
Origin: Geàrrloch [Gairloch]
Category: Crodh / Cattle
Notes: fatty part of cow’s breast.
Origin: Skye
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
breast of a sheep.
Origin: [Harris]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
[t̪ɑ:r] Quot.: “tàrr a’ mhuilt”. Note: when a sheep was killed this was cut off first and cooked (couldn’t wait because of hunger). Same piece as the “caisean-uchd” – the flesh covering the breast-bone.
Origin: Ness
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
uchd or caisean-uchd ( oochk)
[pron.] breast. [NOTES: ‘flappy part on sheep’ added in second hand (most probably the fieldworker).] [NOTES: slipped under ‘caisean-uchd’. Definition: Breast; flappy part on sheep.]
Origin: Kill-Fhinn
Category: Crodh / Cattle