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There were 8 hits for boc

Aon air buicean / Dhà air buicean / Maide sùirn / Cul an duirn / Cearc bheag / Bhiorach bhàn / Rug an t-ubh / Air a’ spàr / Bhrist’ e mus an ruig e làr / Cunnt romhaid s ’as do dheigh / Cia mheud adharc th’ air a Bhoc. A game played by two: ‘tormentor’ sits in a chair, ‘tormented’ sits on the floor between the tormentor’s knees. Tormentor, while repeating the refrain, sustains a constant knocking with his knuckles on the tormented’s head. Whenever the refrain is finished, the tormentor’s hand is placed on the tormented’s head. The tormented has to guess how many horns the Buck may have. A clenched fist – maol am boc. One finger – one horn, aon arc. Two fingers – two horns, da. Three fingers – three horns, trì. Four fingers – four horns, ceithir. Five fingers – five horns, coig arcan. The game continues until the tormented guesses the number of horns correctly. The players then change places. Tormentor v tormented or king v subject or officer v soldier or uachdran v iochdran.
Location: Leodhas [Lewis], an taobh siar
Category: Cur-seachadan: Dèideagan, Geamaichean is Farpaisean / Recreation: Toys, Games, Contests
Location: South Uist, South Boisdale
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Location: Na Hearadh, Scalpaigh [Harris, Scalpay]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
[bɔxk] Notes: blister.
Location: Skye, Breakish
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
boc an lochan (m)
water-ouzel. Mis-spelt “bog” in some dictionaries as there was no pre-asp. of “c” (chc) in E. and S.W.
Origin: [Strathglass]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
boc-an-lòin (m)
snipe. Mis-spelt “bog” in some dictionaries as there was no pre-asp. of “c” (chc) in E. and S.W.
Origin: [Strathglass]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
[boxkɡəiɾə] Notes: he-goat.
Location: Islay, Bowmore
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
dannsa nam boc
a type of dance. See Caraid nan Gaidheal p. 398.
Location: Skye
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous