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There were 28 hits for madadh

madadh allaidh n.
‘wild dog’: madadh allaidh [matə haʁ̫iç]
Location: Canada, Cape Breton, Iona, Barra Glen
Category: Barra Glen, Iona wordlist
a madadh-ruadh ’s a’ chearc
The ‘Cearc’ had all her ‘chickens’ strung along behind her, each clasping the one in front round the waist, the nearest one to the ‘Cearc’ clasping her. The ‘Fox’ came along and pretended to dig in front of the Hen, who asked him: “De tha thu cladhach ann a shen? [?]” “Tha mi lorg snathad.” “De tha thu dol a dheanamh leis an t-snàthaid?” “Tha mi dol a dh’fhuaigheal pac.” “De tha thu dol a dheanamh leis a phac?” “Tha mi dol a chur gual ann.” “De tha thu dol a dheanamh leis a ghual?” “Tha mi dol a dheanamh teine.” “De tha thu dol a dheanamh leis an teine?” “Tha mi dol a chur prais air.” “De tha thu dol a dheanamh leis a phrais?” “Tha mi dol a chur feòil innt.” “De an fheòil?” “Tha feòil do chuid iseanan is tu fhein as an deidh.” The Hen, with arms outstretched like wings, tried to guard her brood, while the Fox captured them, one by one.
Origin: Leòdhas [Lewis], Uig
Category: Cur-seachadan: Dèideagan, Geamaichean is Farpaisean / Recreation: Toys, Games, Contests
culaith eagal
nn ‘wretched [animal, etc]’: am madadh ruadh, ~ do bheathach; ~ do bhethadhach; thug e glomadh às a’ ch. stuth a bha seo
Location: Canada, Cape Breton, Broadcove
Category: Field Notebooks of Seosamh Watson June-August 1983
otter. Also sometimes locally ‘madadh donn’.
Location: Argyll, Tarbert, Muasdale
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Note: dàna, an-uasal gun mhodh. “Cho ladarna [sic] ri madadh coin gun mhaighstir [?].”
Origin: Swainbost
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
large mussel.
Location: Uibhist a Tuath, Ceann a Bhàigh [North Uist, Bayhead]
Category: Maorach / Shellfish
Location: Argyll, Tarbert, Muasdale
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Horse mussel. A large overgrown mussel, but they don’t grow in big clumps like the mussels. Tha iad math ri ’n itheadh. Bidh muinntir Uig a’ toirt dhachaidh nan cléibh dhuibh [sic], ga slaopadh, is an deidh sin ga ròsdadh an geir air a’ phana. Chan eil iad anns an Rudha no ’n Nis, is e cor fhear a gheibhear suas an Taobh Siar.
Location: Lewis, Port of Ness, Lionel
Category: Maorach / Shellfish
dog. Nach b’e madadh e. – as in the case of a person acting in a rude, unsophisticated way.
Location: Harris, Scalpay
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Notes: clam. Collected only at very low tides in the spring.
Location: Harris
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
horse mussel.
Location: Isle-of-Lewis, Shawbost
Category: Maorach / Shellfish
large mussel.
Location: An t-Eilean Sgitheanach, Stafainn [Skye, Staffin]
Category: Maorach / Shellfish
[mɑ̃d̪u̜] Notes: a dog.
Location: Sutherland, Portskerra
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
dog-mussel. (‘Clabha-dao’ in Tighnabruaich.) Clabha-dubha.
Origin: Lewis, Uig
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Notes: brown shellfish, shaped like a “fiasgan” but about twice as big.
Origin: Skye, Torrin
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
[mɑ̃d̪əɣ] Note: horse mussel.
Origin: Uig
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
nas motha na fiasgan.
Origin: [Skye, Camus Chroise]
Category: Maorach / Shellfish
madadh alladh
nn ‘wolf’: [matə ̍kaʁ̫əɣ]
Location: Canada, Cape Breton, Broadcove
Category: Field Notebooks of Seosamh Watson June-August 1983
madadh allaidh
Quotation: am madadh allaidh. Notes: wolf.
Origin: Port Charlotte
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
madadh chuain
Location: South Uist, South Boisdale
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
madadh de chù
an angry, dangerous dog.
Location: South Uist, Garrynamonie
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
madadh grèine
sun dog – sign of bad weather, seen in front of sun, also moon.
Location: Na Hearadh [Harris], Finsbay
Category: Àiteach / Agriculture
madadh ruadh
nn ‘fox’: am ~ culaith eagal do bheathach; bha iad ga faighinn sin air madaidhean [-içən] ruadh, na rabies
Location: Canada, Cape Breton, Broadcove
Category: Field Notebooks of Seosamh Watson June-August 1983
madadh ruadh
Quotation: Corc a’ Mhadaidh Ruaidh. Notes: Wild Oats.
Origin: North Uist
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
madadh ruadh
Quotation: am madadh ruadh. Notes: fox.
Origin: Port Charlotte
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Notes: otter.
Origin: Glenurquhart
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
[mɑ̃d̪əru̜ɤɣ] Notes: fox.
Origin: Glenurquhart
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Quotation: am madadh ruadh. Notes: fox.
Origin: Port Charlotte
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous

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