
There were 2 hits for seilcheag
- seilch (an t-)
Quotation: Beiridh an t-seilch ort (used by mothers as threat to children who ventured too near loch with water-lilies). Notes: Not in Dw. Monster reputed to live in lochs on which water-lily grows. It was supposed to suck people down into the loch. Cf. seilcheag ‘snail’. Scots selchie, a kind of enchanted seal.
Location: Lewis
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous - seilcheag
[ʃɛ̜:liçək] snail. Chunnaic mi seilcheag air an lice lom; chual mi chuthag gam miar mo bhroinn; chunnaic mi an t-searrach ’s a chùlaobh rium, is dh’aithnich mi nach robh bhliadhn’ dol leam. [NOTES: the saying was slipped under the catch-word ‘seilcheag’ so it has been placed here. The slip gives only the phonetic transcription of the word spelled ‘miar’ in the questionnaire: [iər].]
Origin: Kill-Fhinn
Category: Crodh / Cattle