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There were 4 hits for fhrois

Following verse would be said by people tending cattle: “Bogha fhrois, bogha fhrois, tarr as, tarr as, trì stràcan dhe’n chrios cuir an t-uisg as, na buachaillean bochd air sgàth nan cnoc ag iarraidh air Dia an t-uisge a chuir as.”
Location: South Uist, Lochcarnan
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Ris an fhrois. During the shower.
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Quotation: Theid mi null eadar-da-fhrois.
Origin: Tiree
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
in between.
Location: Na Hearadh, Scalpaigh [Harris, Scalpay]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous

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