said by some to be Gaelic name for modern Caithness. This is not correct. Gaelic was spoken in S. and W. part of modern Caithness, and Gallabh was never used for any Gaelic speaking district. Gallabh = N.E. part of Caithness, Suth. and W. Caithness, but not it only. E. Ins. usage: Gallabh = Laigh o’ Moray. Perths. usage: Gallabh = Lower Angus, Mearns, etc. Gallabh, Gallaibh, Gallu = any non-Gaelic district or place especially on East Coast, north of the main Galltachd.
Origin: [Strathglass]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Gallach (adj)
said by some to mean “pertaining to Caithness”. This is wrong. Applied by Gaelic people in Sutherland and W. Caithness to non-Gaelic people in N.E. Caithness, but not to them only, to non-Gaelic people anywhere.
Origin: [Strathglass]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
cròcan (m)
pot-hook (Strathspey to W. Caithness).
Origin: [Strathglass]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Faic lòinean Dwelly t-d. 596. 2. (D.M.K.) ‘The fat covering of the kidneys of beef or mutton (Caithness).’ Tha againne lòineachan. “Tha geir mhath air na lòineachan aige.” ’Se seo a’ gheir a tha ris an druim aige a’ bheathach. Nuair a tha an t-ainmhidh marbh agad air a’ dhruim, tha am muinne air uachdar agus na lòineachan gu h-ìosal, ’se sin ris an drùim.
Origin: Leòdhas [Lewis], Uig an Iar
Category: Caoraich / Sheep
[t̪ɑɾɑʃɡʹɑṉ] Quotation: taraisgean Ghallach (sic). Notes: Caithness tusker.
Origin: Assynt, Stoer
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
[t̪ɔɾɑʃɡʹəṉɣɑɫɑx] Notes: Caithness tusker, worked by one man.
Origin: Coigach
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous