Arran Banner
Category: Àiteach / Agriculture
Arran Chief
Category: Àiteach / Agriculture
Orkney and Shetland Islands (since 13th century); not a fixed place-name, but a descriptive term, the extent of which varied as the power of the Norse waxed or waned. At height of Norse power, Innse-Gall = all islands from Shetlands to the Isle of Man; after Somhairle Mac Giolla Bride’s first victory Innse Gall = islands north of Ardnamurchan; after Somhairle’s 2nd victory Innse Gall = Orkneys and Shetlands only. NE Highl. C. S. – Innse Gall but more commonly Innsean Gallach, Eileana [?] Gallach = Orkney, Shetland. Innse Gaidheal(ach) – Western Isles (Lewis to Islay) + Arran, Bute. Innse-Gall not applied to any Gaelic-speaking islands. Bardic usage: Innse Gall = Western Isles (Lewis to Islay) regardless of fact that they had ceased to be Innse-Gall in 13th century and had become Gaelic. As long as the Bards had comharda, uaithne, uaim, and the other obair-ghréis of their trade, they didn’t bother about truth. Modern literary, artificial – imitation of Bardic usage, above. Incorrect.
Origin: [Strathglass]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
catrach math gaoithe – strong wind (Arran, Bute, Cowal, Kintyre).
Origin: [Strathglass]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
[couping cart]
(No couping carts in Arran.)
Location: [Arran? see the comment under 3]
Category: Àiteach / Agriculture
arran cork
oatcakes. (Stoer, Assynt)
Origin: Assynt, Stoer
Category: Biadh is Deoch / Food and Drink
arran eorna
barley scones. (Stoer, Assynt)
Origin: Assynt, Stoer
Category: Biadh is Deoch / Food and Drink
arran floor
scones. (Stoer, Assynt)
Origin: Assynt, Stoer
Category: Biadh is Deoch / Food and Drink
man’s collar (Arran, S.W.).
Origin: [Strathglass]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
big belly, as cow (N.E.); peilc (Arran, S.W. gen.), peilicean (Uist). ? seemed in Perths to be a variant of builg, gen. of bolg – a bag, etc.
Origin: [Strathglass]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
mantelpiece. (Jura, Arran)
Location: Skye
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
bulla (n)
a ball (N.E. and Perthshire); pulla, pullag (Arran and S.W. gen.).
Origin: [Strathglass]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
a fit (Arran, S. Argyll).
Origin: [Strathglass]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
iasg bruich agus sauis (sabhs)
boiled fish with the water the fish was boiled in. This latter was usually taken before going to bed. Iasg bruich agus sauis (sabhs) le arran cork. (Stoer, Assynt)
Origin: Assynt, Stoer
Category: Biadh is Deoch / Food and Drink
Notes: (Keose) grazing or pasture. Not in Dw. Dwelly gives inghilt as obsolete, ref. to ingilt and inilt (Armstrong), ‘feeding, grazing, pasture’. The word leasair used in Arran for cattle-grazings, according to my Uncle Angie, who lived most of his life there.
Location: Lewis
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Quotation: Robh obair trom [opər trom] anns a’ speal. Notes: masculine in Arran Gaelic.
Location: Arran, Pirnmill
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
ragnails, ragged skin at base of finger-nails (N.E.); rifeineach (Uist); righinneach (Arran, Kintyre, etc.). Slender “ch” commonly reduced to gh.
Origin: [Strathglass]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
[sɡɾi:sɑṉ] Quotation: Ma tha ise a’ pòsadh bithidh a’ sgrìosan aice a nis. Notes: trousseau. (Dw. – sgriosan – Arran.)
Origin: Applecross
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous