
There were 2 hits for Gallaibh
- Gallabh
said by some to be Gaelic name for modern Caithness. This is not correct. Gaelic was spoken in S. and W. part of modern Caithness, and Gallabh was never used for any Gaelic speaking district. Gallabh = N.E. part of Caithness, Suth. and W. Caithness, but not it only. E. Ins. usage: Gallabh = Laigh o’ Moray. Perths. usage: Gallabh = Lower Angus, Mearns, etc. Gallabh, Gallaibh, Gallu = any non-Gaelic district or place especially on East Coast, north of the main Galltachd.
Origin: [Strathglass]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous - a’ bhana-chogach bhreac
Smallpox. (Faic banachrach.) Tha dà bhràthair-seanar agam air an tiodhlacadh ann am Pultneytown an Inbhir-Uige ann an Gallaibh. Chanadh na bodaich gu’n a bhàsaich iad leis a’ bhana-chogaich agus iad aig an iasgach.
Origin: [Lewis, Uig an Iar]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous