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There were 7 hits for Guirmean

blue; a chalk-like substance for dying woollen material. Guirmean-cloimhe.
Location: [Harris], Scalpaigh [Scalpay]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
blue [sic] used to whiten linen.
Location: Na Hearadh, Scalpaigh [Harris, Scalpay]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
blueing; blue dye (store dye).
Origin: ([Canada], Inverness Co., Lochaber) or ([Canada], Inverness Co., Lochaber dialect) or ([Canada], Inverness Co., Lochaber)
Category: Obair na Clòimhe / Wool-Working
Is ann gorm a bha am fear-sa. Bho ghuirmean na bùtha.
Origin: Leòdhas [Lewis], Uig an Iar
Category: Obair na Clòimhe / Wool-Working
a plant from which the colour of blue was taken. There was another form of ‘guirmean’, a chalk like form of dye which produced a bluish colour or blue colour for dying wool.
Location: Na Hearadh, Scalpaigh [Harris, Scalpay]
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Leis a’ ghuirmean [q.v.], bha iad ’ga dheanamh le maighistir agus le na h-uibhir de uisge. Linne guirmean a chanadh iad. “Anns an linne ghuirmein”. Chan eil fhios agam am biodh am maighistir aca ri na dathan eile no nach bitheadh.
Origin: Leòdhas [Lewis], Uig an Iar
Category: Obair na Clòimhe / Wool-Working
Notes: when dyeing with “guirmean” it was put in with the urine and left with the wool in a tub for a few days. Then the “sealbhag” was gathered, boiled and the resulting liquid put into the tub. This made a fast dye. (Left for a day or two.)
Location: Harris
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous

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