Measgaichte / Miscellaneous

Calum and Jean MacDonald
North Uist, Tigharry
A. O’Henley
clàtairlike a ‘gràpa’ except that it is designed to pull rather than lift. Prongs are therefore rounded. Used for pulling seaweed.
slifag [sic]dibble.
làmhagan axe.
socharachstupid, foolish. “Nach tu bha socharach a leithid sin a dheanamh.”
aithiseachunsettled? Not sure about this one.
earrasaidtartan mantle.
barrasachdistinctive. Overtones of worthiness and credibility.
cogadh eacha game whereby one person sat on the other’s shoulders. Then proceeded to see which team could knock over the most.
casan gobhlagcarrying a young child shoulder high. In South Uist this is knows as ‘casan tunnaig’.
siollagansmall fish found on the strand.
sgreangfrown. Sgreangaidh (n) – a person known for frowning.
[claoidh]Air do chlaoidh ag obair – exhausted.
[cruach]Cha do laoisg thu seachd cruachan móra fhathast comhla ris. Refers to a future wife not having lived with her husband to be.
[spàinn]Mur a dean mi spàinnean millidh mi adhaircean. Refers to the practice of spoon-making.
[treinidh]Cha deanar treinidh gun triuir ’s tha i cùbach gun cheathrair. Refers to the numbers required in courting.
[ugh]’S corrach ugh air aran.
[tuillbhain]’S iomadh tuillbhain tha feathamh air a’ bheathach lag.
[olc]Ge be bhios gu olc mu àrdaich bi e gu math mun rathad mhór.
[cat]Miann a’ chait a choinnebhaineadh.
[mearlach]Taigh gun iomasladh, taigh gun mhearlach. Not thieving on a mass scale but enough to help your family meet requirements and have a little extra besides.
[soirbheachail]’S fhearr a bhi soirbheachail na bhi saoghalta.
[dorn]’S minig a bha dorn aig fear na h-eidriginn.
[muir]’S minig a thàinig muir mór a plumanaich.
[blais]’S beag an rud air nach blais bean.
[buileachadh]’Se buileachadh a ni cruinneachadh.

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