maor-shìth | policeman. |
bun-na-cusaig-ruaidh | root of bulrush. Stewed in water, then squeezed and given to cattle for diarrhoea. |
feamainn chirain | short, stubby seaweed taken from rocks. Boiled and mixed with flour. Given to animals as a vitamin. [NOTES: ‘chirain’ corrected to ‘chìrein’.] |
fiarsnain | warble flies. [NOTES: corrected to ‘fiarsnan’.] |
a’ bhoill | staggers affecting horses. [NOTES: corrected to ‘a’ bhoil’.] |
stringealair | bastard staggers. Took the form of severe coughing. [NOTES: corrected to ‘strincealair’.] |
a’ runnach | applied to swampy, boggy land. Horses had to be kept away from such land during the aforementioned diseases [i.e. a’ bhoill/a’ bhoil and stringealair/strincealair (q.v.)]. [NOTES: “a’” put in brackets.] |
bùtag | an ulcer on an animal’s stomach. [NOTES: corrected to ‘butag’.] |
alam | alum. Salt substance. Placed on a plate, saucer and used to cure the above ulcers [i.e. bùtag/butag (q.v.)]. This was done by touching the ulcer with this substance. [NOTES: corrected to ‘alm’.] |
alt | horse’s ankle. |
sglòpan | fluke. [NOTES: corrected to ‘sglopan’.] |
an gàilleach | the swelling of the cud inside a cow’s mouth. [NOTES: ‘an’ put in brackets.] |
dreosaidh teine | a makeshift fire. Embers taken outside to build a fire in a byre, shed. [NOTES: ‘dreosaidh’ corrected to ‘dreòsaidh’ and note added above – dreòsadh.] |
àrc | bung in a boat. |
an t-sùil | the eye in a lobster pot. [NOTES: ‘an t-’ put in brackets.] |
osann | the net which extended from the eye [in a lobster pot]. |
cùlainn doireann | the equivalent of ‘adag chruaidh’. Part of a rainbow. Indicated bad weather. [NOTES: note added above ‘cùlainn’ – cuilean.] |
giomach a mullach na cleibh | if a lobster was caught on the top of a lobster pot, this was a sign of bad weather. [NOTES: ‘a mullach’ corrected to ‘am mullach’.] |
droch ghabhail air iasg | if a hook caught the fish anywhere other than in the mouth, this was also considered as signifying bad weather. [NOTES: note added – gabhail (probably meant to be the catch-word).] |
tarraing air a’ mhuir | the roaring of the sea with a white foamy surface. Signified wind after rain. |
froisainn | a bit of wood used for taking the ears off corn, oats, etc. [NOTES: note added above ‘ainn’ in ‘froisainn’ – ein.] |
spiulladh | taking the shell off barley. [NOTES: corrected to ‘spiuladh’.] |
spaideadh | barley placed in a tub and beaten with a spade until the caulk came off. |
bann-dubailte | two strands of barley used to tie a sheaf. [NOTES: ‘dubailte’ corrected to ‘dùbailte’.] |
raoid | a sheaf. |
ròpa-gaosaid | a rope made from horse’s mane. |
sgairt a’ falaich | used for a hiding place. Especially used in the sense of straying cattle. “Chaidh a bhò sgairt a’ falaich orm.” [NOTES: corrected to ‘sgairt-a’-falaich’.] |
creamh | wild garlic. |
lodair | ladle. |
mullan | a corn stack. |
bun | the bottom half of a hay/corn stack. |
prabagan | small ricks, smaller than ‘còcanan’. [NOTES: ‘an’ in ‘prabagan’ put in brackets and ‘còcanan’ corrected to ‘cocanan’.] |
maois | rectangular shaped net used for holding freshly cut seaweed. Grid pattern. |
a’ furrain | as in someone being related to you. [NOTES: corrected to ‘a furain’ and a note added – “Chan eil mi furain riu idir.”] |
cuach-fhraoich | a heather rope. |
sgònnan | the part of a dibble where you place your foot. [NOTES: corrected to ‘sgonnan’.] |
ceum-na-treisgeir | similar to the above [i.e. sgònnan/sgonnan (q.v.)], but on a peat cutter. |
tobhta-bhràghad | the penultimate seat at the back of a boat. |
domhlan | one of the intestines used to make white pudding. [NOTES: corrected to ‘dòmhlan’.] |