bualadh an t-sùlaire | collective name for the dive of a gannet. |
drùim arc | float rope. [NOTES: ‘arc’ corrected to ‘àrc’.] |
buidhe ròp | buoy rope. |
solus a’ chruinn | mast light. |
solus seòlaidh | sail light. |
pligainean | flickers of light. [NOTES: note added above the first ‘a’ in ‘pligainean’ – e.] |
dalladh gaoithe | a stiff blowing wind. |
a’ gearradh a chèile | boats hitting into each other due to poor lighting. |
[oidhirpeach] | “Bha daoine oidhirpeach.” – reference to people’s resourcefulness and inventiveness. |
sùgh na dallag dhubh | oil of a young dogfish used as a healing substance. |
[streacadh] | Bàta a’ streacadh air a’ mhuir – a boat ploughing its way through the sea. |
bloinid sgadan | flabby inferior herring. |
fodhnachgain | what is responsible for something, i.e. “Chan eil fiosam dè a tha air fodhnachgain do’n duine bhochd sin.” |
snaim rathad | where two or more roads join up. |
co chosnaich | fellow worker. |
an t-alltapadh | a mishap. |
[lasaich] | Cha do lasaich e. – he did not stop, e.g. until he reached the house. |
roidire | taking a run and a jump at something, e.g. jumping into a large load of hay. |
[glas] | “Ma chliath thusa na threabh mise bidh thu fhein gu math glas.” |
ceathramh deiridh | hindquarters. |
breisleig | turmoil, confusion. |
iollach piobaireachd | cry, skirl of the pipes. |
[neart] | Bha e an treun a neirt. – he was at his peak. |
spuachlach | applied to a young boy, e.g. “Bha e na spuachlach balaich.” Similar to ‘cnabach de bhalach’. |
gu dubhlanach | defiantly. “Sheas e gu dubhlanach an aghaidh a namhaid.” |
mithealach | fragile? As in “na paipearan mithealach”. |
caoinachadh [sic] | mellow. As in “Bha e air caoinachadh le aois.” |
sgalag | farm servant. |
bristeadh muinntireis | breaking ties with your home and your district. |
fathamas | reprieve, e.g. “Cha ruig thu leas dùil a bhith agad le fathamas bhuam sa.” |
peighrid | a blow given with the hand. |