aicaid | a sharp pain. |
eimlisgeach | a badly behaved youngster. Can also mean confused but without the ‘each’ ending. “Bha e ann an eimlisg.” |
airceas | poverty. |
aiteal [?] | a break or a lull in a storm. |
athais | mode of transport. |
baganta | a descriptive word applied to a neat, tidy person. |
fòlag | a word used in the north end of South Uist which means a pin used to hold the wheel on an axle. Same word as ‘sgiofair’ which is used at south end of South Uist. |
bannal | a crowd or band of people. |
barran | headsquare. |
bleadraich | blethering. |
fàladh | a racehorse. |
buillisg | a wooden lid on a pot. Some take this to mean a pot hook but former definition is more accurate according to D. W. [NOTES: corrected to ‘bùillisg’ and note added – cf. Lewis pùlais.] |
càbraid | confusion. Have also heard this myself in the context of the crying sound of seals. |
caraig | a rock jutting out to sea which could be used as a landing place for fishing boats. |
càidsair | a person who was always asking for money, provisions etc. A bum. |
cleith sheanachair | an implement which was ready to fall apart. |
failmean | knee cap. |
deathach | steam as in ‘bàta deathach’. |
conobhair [?] | a person who ate his food hurriedly. |
cramaill | someone with a deformity. D. W. recalls someone who was called by this name since she was not 100% mentally fit. |
cuilltair | a sulker. [NOTES: corrected to ‘cùillteir’.] |
diorrasach | a stubborn person. |
drointeadh | usually applied to someone who has misbehaved. Can vary regarding the seriousness of the incident. This word would be said by someone trying to counsel the offender. “Thug mi drointeadh air.” [NOTES: note added – ‘dressing down’.] |
duraghaidh | a surly, sour person. |
falaraidh | applied to refreshments after a burial whether it be at the cemetery, in the deceased’s house or at an [sic] hotel. |
fearaghasach | angry. |
iorsg | a rabble. |
iudhrach | a special type of sailboat. Made from timber originating from yew trees? [NOTES: note added above ‘iudhrach’ – iùbhrach.] |
fuidheagan | end threads. |
a’ ghalathad | darling. |
gille pliobair | an underling, to be distinguished from a message boy who had a higher status. The word hints at backwardness and gullibility regarding this person. |
goille | stomach. [NOTES: corrected to ‘goile’.] |
guilleag | note made by swans known as whoopers who arrive in this country from Norway during snow and frosty weather conditions. Makes a trumpet like sound. |
làthais | a big stick. “Bhuaill mi làthais air.” |
liagh | a brave fellow. |
òtrach | a dunghill. |
lòpaisg | would be applied to long, straggly, dirty, unwashed hair. [NOTES: note above ‘lòpaisg’ – lòbaisg.] |
miapaidh | when someone was worried or concerned about something. [NOTES: note added – Bha miapaidh orm.] |
peithair | message boy. [NOTES: corrected to ‘peitheir’.] |
piorraid | a conicle [sic] [conical?] shaped hat. |
praoidhligeadh | frying something. |
raoitair | a drunkard. [NOTES: corrected to ‘raoiteir’.] |
rusladh | a quick going over, i.e. as in a job completed with haste. |
sgagaidhean | chapped hands. |
sgaoimail | applied to a horse that was excitable, frightened. [NOTES: corrected to ‘sgaoimeil’.] |
sglàmhair | a greedy person. |
similidh | cowardly, feeble person. |
siutalan | a person who went from house to house. |
Thug mi snag air | to give someone a blow. |
sparr gaoithe | a small beam between both couples in a thatched house. This small beam was almost next to the ridge. |
sgrìob a’ chobair | a term applied to the Campbells referring to their eviction policies. This depicts the gables being tied to the carts and pulled along leaving a distinct mark. |
splaidse | a bald patch. |
sporraghail | rustling noise as made by mice. |
staull | in a house with animals at one end this refers to the threshold between the two ends of the house. [NOTES: corrected to ‘stall’.] |
sumhail | closely packed. |
ulag | hoist? My own experience tells me this is also used for an eye to which a hook is attached. |
tiopa-teap | confusion. |
truidhtearan | rags. |
trogbhail | grumbling. “Bha e a’ trogbhail ris fhein.” [NOTES: corrected to ‘trògbhail’.] |
ulla-thruis | turmoil, confusion. |
Bhuaill e bas ri crann | a variant phrase meaning to knock at the door. [NOTES: ‘bhuaill’ corrected to ‘bhuail’.] |
teachdaire teinteach | fiery messenger. Used in the sense of electricity. |
gathan nan teachdairean teinteach | electricity poles. Whilst on this subject D. W. alludes to a superstition which is rarely heard nowadays. In the days when people were dependent on embers for torchlight, an ember would not be given to a visitor if there was a baby in the house. It was feared that the child would not have any teeth if this was given. |
meabalais | foolish, rubbish conversation. |
riomhanach | someone doing a job in fits and starts. “Dè an riomhanaich obair a tha ort.” |