Measgaichte / Miscellaneous

Donald MacDonald
South Uist, South Lochboisdale
A. O’Henley
  • [NOTES: some notes added (most probably by K. D. MacDonald?). See below for details.]
ti-leuma fetter for dogs or animals in general. [NOTES: note added above ‘t’ in ‘ti’ – d.]
sloc a’ ghille charbharsaichthe last word here means ‘scruffy’. [NOTES: note added – (placename).]
barr laomaidhtoo much fertiliser put on potatoes.
boinnaidan earmark.
snathad lionan earmark. Same shape as the needle used to mend nets.
corranearmark where the top of the ear is rounded.
a’ chir chlugainnthe orifice of the gullet which swells when you have a cold. [NOTES: ‘chir’ corrected to ‘chìr’ and note added – (= chìoch shlugain?).]
connabhaira workmanlike person. [NOTES: corrected to ‘conabhair’.]
sglàmhaidhboisterous, shouting person.
sglùidseachan untidy person.
a’ deanamh grunnmaking sure that the water is not too deep before wading ashore. [NOTES: ‘grunn’ corrected to ‘grunn(d)’.]
glas ghribtight lipped. [NOTES: note added – (= glas ghuib?).]
sgoil dhubhblack magic.
[fuidhean]“Tha i air a dhol far na fuidhean.” – when something has gone to extremities. Also applied to someone who has been drinking excessively.
spannadha drop of milk or water. Usually heard as – “Cha robh spannadh bainne aice.”
ceannabhaidhhead of the household.
maide taobhainrafters running across the roof to the ‘maide feannaig’.
sparran gaoithebit of wood that ran across the couples.
adag-chruaidha fragment of a rainbow seen in the morning. Indicative of bad weather. [NOTES: note added – (= fadadh-cruaidh).]
buaille mu’n gheallaicha circle round the moon indicating bad weather. [NOTES: ‘buaille’ corrected to ‘buaile’.]
sgeith-feithea pulled muscle. [NOTES: ‘feithe’ corrected to ‘fèithe’.]
mathair ghuirthe root of a boil. [NOTES: ‘mathair’ corrected to ‘màthair’.]
giamanacha well built, chubby man.
nith gun riaghailtapplied in the sense of something that was rare, i.e. “Dh’ith mi nith gun riaghailt an diugh.” – referring to a rare treat such as ‘ceann cròpaig’. [NOTES: ‘nith’ corrected to ‘nì’.]
a’ deamadh (d = j [?])someone without speech. [NOTES: Mr O’Henley added what appears to be a ‘j’ above ‘d’ in ‘deamadh’ – to show pronunciation?] [NOTES: note added – “Bha e na shuidhe gun deamadh.”]
cùl raonaidhgoalkeeper.
raoin (ao = oo) nan tuaghapplied to people who were engaged in slandering each other. [NOTES: note added above ‘raoin’ – Bha iad a’ rùin.]
bainneacha weaveress.
bronnaich-air-shearraichrefers to people or animals running amok. “Ruith iad…”
cairtealan cinnheadquarters.
lòbaidhanother word for “sùil chruthaich”.
bac air bhacsitting cross legged.
buidealequivalent of a bushel.
bodacha bottle of whisky. Leth bodach – a half bottle.
ciamhachgrey, wissened [sic] [wizened?] look.
goirtainna patch of sand on a rocky coastline. [NOTES: corrected to ‘goirtein’.]
neafainna fit which hit cows or sheep. [NOTES: corrected to ‘neafain’.]
doideaga witch.
clach na sgiùraiddoorstep. [NOTES: ‘sgiùraid’ corrected to ‘sgliùraid’.]
leth chlàr ùrlarwitch.
[seilecheag]“Seilecheag air talamh toll, clacharan air lic luim, searrach sean làir ’s a thonn rium, dh’aithnich mi nach rachadh a’ bhliadhna rium.” [NOTES: ‘sean’ corrected to ‘seann’ and ‘thonn’ to ‘thòn’.]
ceo bàn an t-soluis ùiran indication of bad weather, when mist and a full moon were visible simultaneously.
grian is fara ghrianwhen two suns were visible. Indicated bad weather.
breinarda large crag, rock. [NOTES: corrected to ‘brèineard’.]
na luinnshimmering, glitter-like appearance in grass during an especially hot summer.
lus-an-acraisa plant seen on the moorland. If kicked or disturbed the petals gave off a smell which quickened the appetite. Therefore people were counselled to carry some form of food.
biorr chritha length of iron, pointed at one end and used for holing corrugated iron. [NOTES: ‘biorr’ corrected to ‘bior’.]
glas eilea human affliction. Usually a combination of vomit and heartburn.
bràtagancaterpillars. If eaten by cows their stomach would swell. Cured by eating snails. [NOTES: ‘bràtagan’ corrected to ‘bratagan’.]
corracha-cagailtesalamander. Used to frighten children into doing what they were told to do. “Fhalbh dh’an leabaidh mu’n tig na corracha-cagailte.”
[ceum]A’ cheum air dh’fhàg sinn – the unwilling step. [NOTES: ‘dh’fhàg’ corrected to ‘ghàg’.]
aighseachgood weather. “Latha aighseach.” [NOTES: ‘aighseach’ corrected to ‘aibhseach’.]
ughdaraida track or path used by cattle. [NOTES: note added – ùtraid.]
speilflock of birds.
carbad na spaidthe leg of a spade.
splionganthe blade of the spade.
giunngairesneaky fellow. [NOTES: corrected to ‘giungaire’.]
braclaichrough and ready.
taisealadha store, wealth of information, etc.
a’ tàrmach(d)originating.

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