Measgaichte / Miscellaneous

Michael J. MacKinnon
Barra, Northbay
A. O’Henley
  • [NOTES: some notes in pencil most probably added by K. D. MacDonald. See below for details.]
durraganapplied to a dour, chubby person who sits quietly in a corner without contributing to the conversation.
croiseadha word associated with woollen industry. Means to bind or twist strands of wool together. A variant on ‘toinneamh’.
[sìde]“Sìde iomlanach, cha bhith [sic] i uair sam bith air an aon ròdh.” – a saying used in changeable weather conditions.
ceuma footpath.
bàl ciutaiga dance whereby the entrance fee was a pair of socks, usually handmade. These were then given to needy or more deserving people.
tùrlingfalling. “Thùrling e far an àraidh.”
spliachdadhto stare or gaze at something or other. “Bha e a’ spliachdadh ùine mhór ’san uinneag.”
[leannan]Fuath a ghiollain a cheud leannan. – an old Gaelic expression which turns its English equivalent on its head. Implies that a first love is not forgotten but for reasons other than romantic nostalgia. Rather this saying says that a first love is hated thereafter.
oil-easfuss and commotion over an incident. [NOTES: note added in pencil: fuaim is litreachadh?]
[miann]Chan eil miann deise an aona mhìos. – a saying meaning that not everyone has the same tastes or preferences.
[cloimh]Nach ann chloimh chiannda an amhaich. – an expression used for people who were related to each other. Usually referred to when similar characteristics or mannerisms surfaced between two people.
sgeithvomit (animal). [Cf. dithiort.]
dithiortvomit (human). [Cf. sgeith.]
bonnach pòisidhprior to the advent of modern day wedding cakes, people used to make their own cakes. Mrs C. MacLellan, Lochcarnan, South Uist remembers this tradition too whereby a sponge cake with sultanas was baked covered with icing. [NOTES: ‘pòisidh’ corrected to ‘pòsaidh’.]
[fead]Chan e fead a bhainne a tha muigh. – an expression used on a windy day. Literally the wind was stronger than the gentle wisps of air which you feel around your hands when milking.
sprogana double chin.
clomhana latch on older type door. Same word as ‘cluamhain’.
[latha]Suipeir soillse latha latha Fhéill Brìde, ’s dinneir soillse latha latha Fhéill Pàdruig. – A saying which refers to the lengthening of the available hours of daylight. [NOTES: note added in pencil: a question mark and an arrow showing that the words ‘suipeir’ and ‘dinneir’ should be the other way round.]

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