Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
- Informant(s)
- Name
- Donald MacGillivray
- Location
- Benbecula, Muir of Aird
- Date
- [1987-88]
- Fieldworker
- A. O’Henley
ròinag | a hair lying on fresh meat. |
drùdhadh buntata | taking water off potatoes once they have cooked. |
cnàmhdag | pet name for a sheep. |
cunntas sleamhnain | a rhyme was said whilst a sharp object, usually a knife, was pointed at the eye. Apparently this removed the stye. |
caille | old women were said to have this power known as the ‘caille’ by which she [sic] could control the fates of whoever she chose as victim. Should be stressed that not all women had this power although there are many husbands who would disagree with this. If something went against you, you would say that such a woman had put you under a spell: “Chuir i a’ chaille orm.” |
[gum boil] | Cure for gum boil – salt heated and placed in a cloth next to your cheek. |
lannsadh | operate, to cut open a wound. |
lion an dreaman eallaidh | spider’s web used to stop bleeding. |
cnotag | spiteful young girl. |
slamman | curds which were given for stomach upsets. Had a cooling effect. |
cù a’ glagadaich | continuous barking of a dog. |
sgal gàire | loud laugh. |
breinain | a temperamental person. |
fartic | when someone is put under a lot of pressure. “Thug e fartic air Seumas an oidhch’ eile.” |
a’ tathach | frequenting. |
sothamh | applied to a woman who has had a long courting. “Fhuair i deagh shothamh.” |
streambal | difficulty. “’Se streambal a bh’ann toirt orra dhol chun a’ dannsa.” |
rantair (-ean) | applied to flighty, loose living young women. |
sgathadair | a greedy, ravenous dog who would eat anything. |
duine làmhach | a selfish person. |
làmh fhada | a thief, pilferer. “Tha làmh fhada air.” |
clachaireachd thiorram [sic] | masonry without concrete being used. |
a’ sgar | the gap between two adjacent furrows, i.e. where the crop grows. |
talamh ganadach | stubborn land which would not fall over naturally onto the adjacent furrow. Needed to be turned over with a spade. |
[fàd] | Tuilleadh ’sa choir de fhàd air a’ chrann – too much soil on the plough. |
salachar | in the literal sense of a dirty person. Also in sense of an unworthy, disgusting person. |
ablach | a useless person. |
fùcadair (-ean) | good worker(s). |
fùidearachd | senseless, pointless work. |
deidhrean | coaxing. “Feumaidh mi bhi deidhrean riut daonnan.” |
geingeadair | someone involved in quarrying. |
leana | Benbecula word for beer. |
géillachdain | yielding. |
deoch esan | the juice of oats mixed with water. Refreshment. |
greasachd | acceleration. |
greasadair | accelerator. |
co-imeachd | accompaniment. |
tiubhradh | subsidy. Tiubhradh àiteachail – agricultural subsidy. |
rinndeal | allotment. |
faolaide | a chancer, amateur. |
meudaichear | amplifier. |
ùrthaigh | annexe. |
duanradh | anthology. |
aolman fàsachail | antiseptic ointment. |
frith neimh | anti toxin. |
spad thinneas | apoplexy. |
bòrd raidhe | arbitration board. |
alt thinneas | arthritis. |
reannag | asterisk. |
lobhag (-an) | bacteria. |
aileadhan | balloon. |
gadag shiabuin | bar of soap. |
cabhail | body of a car. |
comhroinnteach | socialist. |
a’ chomhaireachd | the opposition in Parliament. |
dion làthaich | mudguards. |
aisideachd | obstetrics. |
maolan crathaidh | shock absorbers. |
traoghan | car exhaust. |
gearrsgriobhadh | shorthand. |
carbad suain | overnight sleeper. |
colbhan litreach | pillar box. |
an Reachdaireas | for the Parliament. |