a cruasg | to package. |
air diolair | in stitches. “Chumadh i cuideachd air diolair.” |
ealbanta | having a funny expression on your face. |
seostadh | to attract. |
geomadh a’ sùil | blinking. |
steòrnadh | waving of hands. |
cunaglas | false propaganda. “Bha na daoine sin saor bho chunaglas coimheach.” |
siadrais | propaganda. |
lùnastas | voluntary transfer of land, e.g. a croft. |
uidileach | a place which is not easily accessible. |
obag (-an) | said of a child displaying parents’ characteristics. “’S obagan d’athair agad.” |
smùdranach | speaking through the nose. |
ileagas, ilig, eas [sic] | friendship, cordiality. |
diosgar [?] | savage. |
anadaich | savages. |
teol | style. |
ceilimbeart | slang. |
a’ sialas | explaining. |
ciallart | a grammatical sentence. |
rianas | logic. |
teall | philosophy. |
gaoirsinneachd | dread. |
aotras (-ais) | terror. |
sùlbh | concoction(s). |
nòbair | a change in appearance. “A nòbair a thainig air an talamh sin.” |
fleoga | a two masted boat. |
cornan | ornaments. |
treòsd (-ach, -adh) | experience; knowledgeable. “Och tha esan treòsdach gu leor ’s an obair sin.” Proverb: “Teagaisgidh treòsd tuigse.” – experience teaches understanding. |
a’ sòrach | seeking. |
fidealag | waste pipe. Word originates from similar device on an old pottery kiln which carried out the dregs after making pottery. |
càros | this was the point where the clay foamed or bubbled with heat. |
farraman | a pipe in pottery kiln which carried clay from heating chamber to drying chamber (sorrag tiachd). |