cùl cheannaich | wooden hinges on older doors. [Cf. cait chùil.] |
cait chùil | another name for the above hinges [i.e. cùl cheannaich (q.v.)]. |
barral leathainn | a piece of lace used as part of an old latch – ‘cluamhain’. When you pulled the lace or string the latch could be lifted or lowered. |
uinneagan togail | type of window which is split in two. Both can be raised and lowered. |
pilleachan | quickly assembled, e.g. “Rinn mi pilleachan de dh’òran airson a bhoireannach ud.” |
nam chomhail | towards me. |
a’ bhrìnn | the wife. |
spainn adhairc | a spoon made from cattle’s horn. |
treinidh | one boy and two girls. Words [sic] used in association with courting practices. |
tuillbhein | danger areas, e.g. in the sense of dangerous or treacherous parts of a field where a weak animal should not tread. |
coinneabhaineadh | teasing, e.g. as in children teasing a cat or puppy. |
fear na h-eadriginn | person who intervenes as in a fight, dispute. |
plumanaich | gentle sea, inshore areas. |
buileachadh | gathering. |
ullaich | reprimand. Means the same as ‘smachdaich’. |
allamh | quick. |
tìreadh | hardening of seed over a fire. |
iomairt | playing a game with pebbles. |
cubhach yender | equivalent of ‘tig free’. [NOTES: both the phrase and the definition have been crossed out and question marks added above ‘yender’ and ‘tig’. There are also the following notes added: yender (< ? yarder); [do Mhòr]; Faighnich ri Ailig.] |
greim mionnaich | appendicitis. |
palsaidh | a stroke. |
sguidseadh | taking the seed of the corn ears using a bit of wood. |
gloine na bliadhn’ ùire | prior to the proliferation of alcohol in people’s homes, a small glass was kept which was only taken out at New Year since this was one of the few occasions when alcohol was consumed, the other occasion being cattle sale day. |
suidheachadh | putting the milk in large basins so that cream would accumulate. “A’ cuir a’ bhainne air suidheachadh.” |
sgiathag | a wooden lid. |
an togail | taking the cream off the milk after it had been left for a whole day. |
[pinndeachadh] | Latha pinndeachadh, latha maistreadh – two consecutive days when these two processes were undertaken. |
[maistreadh] | Latha pinndeachadh, latha maistreadh – two consecutive days when these two processes where undertaken. |
taosnadh | kneading. |
caise bainne nòs | this milk was placed in a pot of hot water. Left for a while and then cut up into slices and eaten as a cheese. |
an t-sùil | the evil eye. |
duine cuireadach | a jocular, trickster kind of person. |
jemmadh | means a fragment. “Chan eil agam ach jemmadh de Fhraingeis.” |
sgur arbhair | a plot of land. |
eamhais | large, sprawling. “Eamhais de thaigh mór, eagalach a bh’ann.” |
direach neat | exactly. |
corr oisean | in thatched houses. |
corr thulachan | in thatched houses. |
cobar droma | in thatched houses. |
mathair shiamain | thick rope made from sea bent tied round the top of the wall all round the house. Other ropes attached to this main rope to secure the thatch. |
ceanna chnagan | supports for the seats in a boat. |
fara dhruim | additional piece of wood to protect the keel. |
a’ cumail ceann an amaill ris | keeping right up with the pace. |