lus na Frainge | a fragrant green plant often found in stackyards. |
rabladh | hotch potch. |
spriùdan | term given to the spiky wire on ryelock [sic] [Rylock?] type fences. |
leòbadh craicinn | a layer of skin. |
“Cha do dh’fhàg i lann neo leob air” | giving someone a roasting. |
greim mór | appendicitis. |
ròtach | applied to someone who was slurred and difficult to understand. [NOTES: corrected to ‘rotach’.] |
pronnastan | sulphur. |
rothallach | confused. |
sgiobag | a small amount, measure of something. |
mainnearach de ghàradh | the ruins of a garden. |
piob a’ choinnethal | communal pipe. [NOTES: note added – (bagpipe).] |
“Bho fhear liath gu leanabh” | something that is hereditary. |
aileasachadh | scandalising. [NOTES: corrected to ‘àilleasachadh’.] |
sàr chinnteach | definite. |
creallagan | pinnian [sic] [pinion?] wheels in a mill. (Will look for a fuller definition.) |
peice | a bushel. |
sùil na h-atha | the hole at the top of a kiln. |
feadan | a channel of any kind. Similar to ‘guitair’. |
bràt | a measure of grain put on the wooden ‘ciullan’ in a kiln. Also used for a bedspread. [NOTES: corrected to ‘brat’.] |
fadhlais | spokes in a cartwheel. |
ceathramh na roth | the wheel was divided into four before the spokes were inserted, one of these segments called a ‘ceathramh’. |
cliongair | a large measure of whisky or other. [NOTES: note added above ‘cliongair’ – clinceir.] |
puicainn | a rogue. [NOTES: a note added above ‘puicainn’ – puicein.] |
broinnteagan | rags. [NOTES: corrected to ‘brointeagan’.] |
badragan | rags. |
luideagan | rags. |
a’ chomh rath | dusk. |
boirneach | to persuade. [NOTES: corrected to ‘bòirneach’ and note added – cajole. Bha mi ga bhòirneachadh.] |
fiachadh an rathaid mhóir | second hand invite. |