Measgaichte / Miscellaneous

Mr and Mrs John MacKinnon
South Uist, Daliburgh
A. O’Henley
  • [NOTES: some notes added (most probably by K. D. MacDonald?). See below for details.]
ceann tròmthe heavy end of the stick.
an grioglachana seven starred constellation.
an cranna five starred constellation.
an t-slata three starred constellation.
bearraida corner, part of an area. “Bearraid dhen eilean.”
sgeith runnaigshooting star.
duine gun ghòsomeone who could not be bothered.
na ghriaranin his thoughts.
bainneachweaveress. [NOTES: a question mark added in the margin.]
boiseachan (ush sound)hubs of a wheel. [NOTES: Mr O’Henley’s note ‘ush sound’ is placed above ‘oise’.]
cioch na roththe hole in the middle of the wheel. [NOTES: ‘cioch’ corrected to ‘cìoch’.]
stàca todhaira large heap of seaweed gathered together by the tide in one area of the shore. [NOTES: ‘stàca’ corrected to ‘staca’.]
breithecommon grazing at the foot of a mountain on the eastern side of the village. [NOTES: note added above ‘breithe’ – bràighe.]
badadh an eòrnaprocess whereby prematurely ripe barley was pulled out.
sgiulladhtaking the ears off corn, barley etc.
eadradhmilking time at twelve o’clock.
òbarinside a mill, this is where the seed was poured.
taghadh na raoidetaking the ears off a sheaf.
clach stradaigthis was the name given to the bended part of the channel which heated the seed – ‘sorrag’. Had a fire at one end and the seeds at the other end.
barrachseed that had not been beaten properly.
peicea bucketful of grain. This was the pay given to the mill keeper.
sgèipdirt in the seed.
sìlainna grain. [NOTES: notes added above ‘ai’ in ‘sìlainn’ – i, ean.]
breacadh nan leacanthis describes the process of making one side of the rocks rough in appearance, so that the seed can be ground.
dòrnallachtwo year old male or female sheep.
còpadhclotting of blood.
tàcaicheantacks. [NOTES: corrected to ‘tacaichean’.]
lithseagcataract. Film on the eye.
imprigto flit or shift.
cnoidhain (n – R sound)at the bottom of a cow’s foot.
gèibheil deochsame as ‘smuid deoch’.
iasg glaslythe, cod, cuddies (cudaigean). [NOTES: a question mark added next to ‘cuddies’. It seems that Mr O’Henley added ‘cudaigean’ as a response to this.]
iasg gealfillet, etc.
a’ leopadhcriticising. [NOTES: corrected to ‘a’ leòbadh’.]
barallachforward person.
leth bhodachequivalent of two glasses of whisky.
siulladha gill.
bìdaineachfull of life. [NOTES: corrected to ‘bideineach’.]

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