An Eaglais / Ecclesiastical Terms

Rev. John A. MacDonald
South Uist, Daliburgh
[A. O’Henley/self?]
  • [NOTES: the original title of the questionnaire is “An Eaglais Chaitligeach”]
  • [NOTES: there is a note attached to the list by the informant – ‘pp. 6-9 – still working on them’. The list is typed. Accents were added by hand but only on the first two pages.]
1. Dreuchdan na h-eaglais
Am PàpaThe Pope.
An CardinalCardinal.
An t-easbuigBishop.
An t-Àrd easbuigArchbishop.
Colaisde nan EasbuigeanEpiscopal College, College of Bishops.
a’ ChuriaCuria (Vatican Department).
Ball dhen ChuriaMember of Curia.
Comhairle nan EasbuigeanEpiscopal Conference.
Comhairle Easbuigean AlbaScottish Episcopal Conference.
Fear-cathrach Comhairle nan EasbuigeanPresident of Episcopal Conference.
Runaire Comhairle nan EasbuigeanSecretary of Episcopal Conference.
An CanonCanon.
An SagartPriest.
An DeuconDeacon.
An LeughadairLector/Reader.
An ClèireachAcolyte.
Am ManachMonk.
Am BràthairBrother.
A’ Mhnà ChrabhaidhNun.
An ClèireachAltar Server.
An Sgìr EasbuigDiocese.
Am ParraisdeParish.
Curia na Sgìr EasbuigDiocesan Curia.
Am Fear IonadVicar.
Fear-Ionad an EasbuigEpiscopal Vicar.
A’ ChomhairleCollege of Consultors.
Comhairle na SagartCouncil of Priests.
Comhairle a’ PharraisdeParish Council.
Ordugh NaomhHoly Order(s).
Pears’ EaglaisClergyman.
GoistidhSponsor (Confirmation).
Fear na BainnseGroom.
Bean na BainnseBride.
FleasgachBest man.
2. Aodaichean sagairt, easbuig, etc.
An CoilearCollar.
An Deise DhubhBlack suit, clerical suit.
A’ PheiteagVest stock.
An t-Seacaid MhòrTonsure coat.
A’ Chulaidh-AifreinnMass vestments.
An t-AnartAmice.
An t-Eideadh GealAlb.
An CriosCinture.
An StòlStole.
An Fhalluinn UachdarachChasuble.
A’ Chulaidh (Uachdarach)Chasuble.
Ad an EasbuigMitre.
Fàinn’ an EasbuigEpiscopal Ring.
Cromag an EasbuigCrozier.
Crois an EasbuigPectoral Cross.
Currac an EasbuigSkull-cap, Zucchetto.
Cleòc’ an EasbuigCapa Magna (Bishop’s Cloak).
Am Mullach GealSurplice, Cotta.
GuailleachanHumeral Veil.
Culaidh MhòrCope.
Ciste na CulaidhVestments’ Chest.
3. Laithean fèille na bliadhna agus cleachdaidhean co-cheangailte rui
An AidbheanAdvent.
An NollaigChristmas.
Aifreann Mheadhon-OidhcheMidnight Mass.
Oidhche NollaigChristmas Eve.
Oidhche na h-AifreinnChristmas Eve.
La nan Tri RighreanThe Epiphany.
La Feill an Teaghlaich NaoimhFeast of the Holy Family (Sunday in Octave of Christmas).
La Feill Moire Mathair DheFeast of Motherhood of Our Lady (January 1st).
La na Bliadhn’ UireNew Year’s Day.
La Feill Baisteadh an TighearnaBaptism of the Lord (Sunday after 6th January).
Dimairt na h-InideShrove Tuesday.
Diciadain na LuathaAsh Wednesday.
An CarghusLent.
Trasg, TrasgadhFasting.
Seachdainn na CeusadhHoly Week.
Didomhnaich TurnuisPalm Sunday.
Didomhnaich Slat PailmePalm Sunday.
Diardaoin BangaidHoly Thursday.
Dihaoine na CeusdaGood Friday.
Disathurna na CasgaHoly Saturday.
Didomhnaich CasgEaster Sunday.
Seachdainn na CasgaEaster Week.
Didomhnaich Min-ChasgLow Sunday (Second Sunday of Easter).
Diardaoin DeasghabhailAscension Thursday.
Didomhnaich CaingisPentecost (Whit) Sunday.
Didomhnaich na TrionaidTrinity Sunday.
Feill Corp ChriosdaCorpus Christi (Thursday after Trinity Sunday).
Feill Cridh’ Uile Naomh IosaFeast of Sacred Heart (Friday after second Sunday after Pentecost).
Domhnach Cumanta na BliadhnaOrdinary Sunday of the Year.
Feill Naomh IosaphSt. Joseph’s Feast (19th March).
La Fheill PeadairSt. Peter and Paul (29th June).
La Fheill MoireAssumption of Our Lady (15th August).
La Fheill Ardachadh MoireAssumption.
La Fheill Chriosda an RighFeast of Christ the King (last Sunday before Advent).
La nam Marbh1st November – All Souls’ Day.
La Feill [sic] nan Naomh UileAll Saints (2nd November).
La Fheill Moire a Ghineadh gun SmalFeast of Immaculate Conception (8th December).
La Fheill Moire nan CoinnleanCandlemas (2nd February).
4. Gach pàirt dhen eaglais agus àiteachan sonraichte am broinn na h-eaglais
Am PoirtePorch (main entrance).
Cul na h-EaglaiseEntrance area.
Tobar an Uisge ChoisrigteHoly water stoup.
Tobar a’ BhaistidhBaptismal font.
An AltairThe altar.
A’ BheastraidhThe vestry.
A’ ChubaidThe pulpit.
Aite na h-EisdeachdConfessional.
Ionad a’ LeughaidhLectern.
A’ ChathairPresidential chair.
Aghaidh na h-EaglaiseFront area in church.
Slighe na CroiseThe stations of the cross.
An CeusadhThe crucifix.
Dorus na BeastraidhVestry door.
5. Nìthean a tha air a cleachdadh ann a bhith deanamh aifreann neo seirbheis
Buill na h-AltarachAltar furnishings (in Sanctuary).
Uidheam na h-AltarachAltar furnishings (on actual Altar).
Na h-AnnartanAltar cloths.
A’ ChoinnealCandle.
A’ Choinneal MhorPaschal candle.
An Crann CeusaidhCrucifix.
An CeusadhCrucifix.
A’ ChroisCross.
A’ ChailisChalice.
Am PatenPaten.
Uisge CoisrigteHoly Water.
Soitheach na TuiseIncense boat.
Leabhar na LeughaidheanLectionary.
Leabhar na h-AltarachMissal; Sacramentary.
Soitheach an Uisge ChoisrigteHoly Water dish.
Aran (na h-Aifreinn)Altar bread.
Na SoithicheanCruets.
Ola a’ BhaistidhBaptismal oil; Oil of Catechumens.
Ola a’ ChrismOil of Chrism (used in Baptism and Confirmation).
Ola an Ungaidh NaoimhOil of the Sacrament of the Sick; Oleum Infirmorum.
10. Seòrsachan ùrnaigh agus cleachdaidhean co-cheangailte rui
An UrnaighPrayer.
Dean urnaighTo pray.
Urnaigh an TighearnaThe Lord’s Prayer.
A’ PhaidirThe Lord’s Prayer, The Pater Noster.
Am Beannachadh MoireThe Ave Maria, The Hail Mary.
A’ ChreudThe Creed, The Credo.
Creud nan AbstolThe Apostles’ Creed.
An t-AideachadhThe Confiteor.
Urnaigh MhaidneMorning Prayer.
Urnaigh OidhcheNight Prayer.
An OifisThe Office, The Breviary.
An Oifis BheagThe Officium Parvulum.
Oifis na h-Oighe BheannaichteThe Office of Our Lady.
Oifis na MarbhThe Office for the Dead.
Tabhartas MaidneMorning Offering.
Urnaigh an Aingil ChoimhdichPrayer to Guardian Angel.
Comharradh na CroiseSign of the Cross.
An t-AltachadhGrace.
Altachadh roimh BhiadhGrace before meals.
Altachadh an deidh BidhGrace after meals.
AchanaichPrayer of petition.
Gniomh CreidimhAct of Faith.
Gniomh DochaisAct of Hope.
Gniomh GraidhAct of Love/Charity.
Gniomh AithricheasAct of Contrition.
An Urnaigh “Cuimhnich a’ Mhoire”The Memorare.
An Urnaigh “Failte dhuit, a Bhanruinn”The Salve Regina.
An Urnaigh “Failt’ an Aingil”The Angelus.
An Urnaigh “A Bhanruinn nam Flaitheas”Regina Coeli.
An Urnaigh “Gloir don Athair”Gloria (Patri).
Urnaigh a’ Spioraid NaoimhVeni Sancte Spiritus.
A’ Chonair MhoireRosary.
Slighe na CroiseWay of the Cross, Via Crucis.
StadStation (of the Cross).
Leadan MoireLitany of Our Lady.
Earrann (dhen Chonair Mhoire)Third (section of the Rosary).
Na Coig Ruin AoibhneachFive Joyful Mysteries of Rosary.
Na Coig Ruin DhoruinneachFive Sorrowful Mysteries of Rosary.
Na Coig Ruin GlormhorFive Glorious Mysteries of Rosary.
Urnaigh ri Ban-Tighearna nan EileannanPrayer to Our Lady of the Isles.
Anam ChriosdaAnima Christi.
Gniomh MolaidhThe Divine Praises.
An AifreannThe Mass.
An Iobairt NaomhThe Holy Sacrifice (of the Mass).
Na ModhannanThe Rubrics (of the Liturgy).
Luinneag na h-IntroitEntrance (Introit), Antiphon.
An GloriaThe Gloria.
An Gloir do DhiaThe Gloria.
An t-AideachadhThe Confiteor.
FreagairtThe Response.
Urnaigh na h-AifreinnCollect.
A’ Cheud UrnaighCollect.
A’ Cheud LeughadhFirst reading.
An Darna LeughadhSecond Reading.
A’ SalmPsalm.
Freagairt na SailmeResponse to the Psalm.
Luinneag an t-SoisgeilGospel Acclamation.
An SoisgeulGospel (Reading).
A’ Leughadh bhon t-SoisgeulGospel Reading.
A’ SearmonHomily, Sermon.
A’ ChreudCreed.
Urnaigh nan CreideachBidding Prayers.
An TabhartasThe Offertory.
An TairgseThe Offering.
Urnaigh an TabhartaisOffertory Prayer.
An Roimh-radhThe Preface.
An CoisrigeadhThe Consecration.
Urnaigh a’ ChoisrigidhThe Eucharistic Prayer.
A’ PhaidirThe Pater Noster.
’Uain DheAgnus Dei.
A’ ChomainCommunion (Part of Mass or Sacred Species).
An ComanachadhCommunion (Distribution and Reception of Sacrament).
An t-Sacramaid NaomhHoly Communion, the Blessed Sacrament.
A’ gabhail ComainReceiving Holy Communion.
A’ toirt seachad ComainDistributing Holy Communion.
Comharradh na SitheSign of Peace.
Ionnlad na CailisePurification of Chalice.
Luinneag na ComainCommunion Antiphon.
Urnaigh an deidh ComainPostcommunion Prayer.
Am BeannachadhThe Blessing.
An LeughadairThe Reader.
An SeinneadairThe Cantor.
A’ ChoisirThe Choir.
An LaoidhThe Hymn.
An CleireachThe Server, Altar Boy.
Togail an AirgidCollection.
Togail AraidSpecial Collection.
Clar nam MarbhList of the Dead (remembered during Bidding Prayer).
Ceann BliadhnaAnniversary (of death).
Na h-EaslaintichThe Sick.
Bannan PosaidhBanns of Marriage.
Air eughach anns an EaglaisAnnounced in Church.