gròcail | warning. “Bodaich a gròcail gun dean sinn call.” |
spor gunna | flint. |
ionghailt | grazing. “’S rinn na beathaichean beagan ionghailt.” |
poile | a while. |
tàbhadh | onset. “Thug e tàbhadh air Seonaidh.” |
anaceillidh | incredibly. “Bha e anaceillidh mór.” |
treòraichidh | to guide, direct. |
fo gheasaibh | under a spell. |
togalaichean | literally liftings, gossip, rumours. “Cha robh ann ach togalaichean.” |
gu failidh | quietly. [NOTES: ‘failidh’ corrected to ‘fàilidh’.] |
calp an acaire | the hemp rope between the boat and anchor. |
faithneachadh | recognising. |
spùinneadh | robbing. |
binn | judgement. “Dè a bhinn a thug a siorram a mach?” [NOTES: ‘a siorram’ corrected to ‘an siorram’.] |
nan crannchur | in their situation. |
trìlleach | argument, quarrelling. |
clìcean | trickery. |
eunadaireachd | snooping. “Bha e ag eunadaireachd mu chuairt.” |
còmhdhail | transport. |
faineach | truthfully. “Dh’innis an duine e gu faineach dha.” |
sràidimeachd | walking briskly. |
sguabanta | cleanly as in: “Thog e an cudthrom gu sguabanta.” |
glain-amhairc | telescope. [NOTES: ‘glain’ corrected to “glainn’”.] |
donnach | pet name for cattle. |
tromach | pet name for cattle. |
sgiathan | pet name for cattle. |
liathan | pet name for cattle. |
tathainte | inquisitive, nosey, e.g. talking about tailors – “Bha iad sinn riabh cho tathainte a’ feitheamh a h-ùile facal.” [NOTES: ‘sinn riabh’ corrected to ‘sin riamh’.] |
ceairsle fraoich | a round ball of heather rope. |
créithir | plural of ‘criathar’, more than one riddle, sieve. |
sgrioban | a rake. [NOTES: corrected to ‘sgrìoban’.] |
lòchair | dripped. “Lòchair e le fallus.” |
buird dealachaidh | dividing boards. [NOTES: corrected to ‘bùird-dealachaidh’.] |
gugallach | clumsy, awkward. |
torradan | a small pile. |
mo dhuitseach | used this when referring to tobacco pipe. Must be a colloquialism. |
còmhrag | onslaught. |
crioslaicht | kitted out or strapped up as in: “Is iad crioslaicht le acfhuinn a’ dol a staigh dh’an bhatal.” |
bàirich | crashing waves, roar of the sea. [Cf. cafadh.] |
cafadh | used in association with previous word ‘bàirich’ [q.v.], i.e. “’S bàirich na mara mar chafadh mur cinn.” Must refer to the crashing noise of the waves above their heads. Tumult? |
seanacheann | a wise old man. |
cursaigeadh | cursing. |
piathlain cachda | would be said of an annoying pet or person always clinging onto you. |
boladh | smell or aroma. |
braoisg | screwed up face signifying contempt or disapproval. |
canach | porpoise. |
coisd | committee. |
cùngairean | tools. |
gràineag | hedgehog. |
leus | cataract on the eye. |