asaid | delivery of a child. “Bha i dlùth air a [sic] asaid.” |
caislib (-ean) | a wide expanse of sea water. |
spongair (-achd) | said of a mean, tightfisted person. |
a’ cuachanaich | making yourself heard, loud shouting. |
fùlg | the course set by a sailing boat. “Dh’fheumadh iad cumail ri fùlg cho math ’sa b’urrainn dhaibh.” |
bealmadh | a breakwater or dam. Also in sense of putting an obstruction in the way of something. |
a’ fearbadh | to moor a boat. Also ‘air fearb’. |
a’ cliabadaich | grappling, struggling with one another. |
garbhag gàrraidh | a type of fern. Not sure exactly. |
meacan (-ain) | parsnips. |
bainneachan | lettuce. |
crad [?] | beetroot. |
subhagan | strawberries. |
friseagan | raspberries. |
loineachdnadh | to roll about in some substance. “Bha an cù ga loineachdnadh fhéin thall an sin ann an lòn.” |
moggaich | blisters or irritation of the skin. |
feirst | a small channel of sea water on the shore. |
cungaidh suain | anaesthetic. |
forail | used for meaning conscious. |
spoch e air | to turn sharply and aggressively on someone. |
ciuchalas | a word which would be used for a person who was prepared to live off someone else’s labour. “Cha robh e ach ri ciuchalas riabh.” |
spiolc | gameness, sportiveness, fun. “Cho beag spiolc ’s a bha ’s na daoine sin.” |
samhach | the wooden leg in a peat iron. “Samhach na trèisgeir.” |
meadha | refers to the width of the peat bog having been turfed. Usually consisting of a width of seven peats. |
cas bheag | refers to a peat which when thrown out lands on its side or on a corner. “Tha fear ud air a dhol air a chois bhig.” |