Biadh is Deoch / Food and Drink

Ishbel and Mrs R. MacDonald
Uibhist a’ Deas [South Uist]
A. O’Henley
1. Na tràthan
bròsform of porridge made with corn. Taken for breakfast.
2. Am biadh a bhidhte gabhail aig gach tràth
lìtetaken at supper time. Made with oatmeal or Indian meal.
falaraidhword associated with funeral costs and expenses. “A’ dol a dh’iarraidh falaraidh.” Also used for the cheese, biscuits and drink available after a funeral.
easairan oatmeal orientated drink likely to be used to quench the thirst.
Biadh aig amanan sonraichte ’sa bhliadhna
strùthanaig Feill Mhicheil.
caora nollag [sic]
3. Dòighean air biadh a dheasachadh
hearthbaking placed in hot alcoves (could not remember the word for this).
4. Fuine
clàr fuinnesloped so that the flour would not fall off.
aran corc
aran eorna
aran Innsainneach
ga thoinneamhkneading.
breacag arain
5. Deochan dhe gach seòrsa
leann nan biastanhops which are put in a bottle with sugar and water left to ferment and used to quench the thirst.
blàthachexcess juice left after making butter.
mùigliquid that is left after making cheese.
na riuchd fheinin its own right.
6. Biadh no deoch a bhidhte deanamh gu sònraichte do luchd euslan
càmhraichoatmeal and gruel steeped in water to be used to alleviate colds. To be found in ‘port a beul’ Ann a Bodaich na ho.
fualaidpoultice made with bread.
gob-a’-choillichsalted butter which is heated and used for the same purpose as a poultice.
7. Nithean a bhiodh ann nuair a rachadh beathach a mharbhadh (missing)
8. Faclan sam bith eile (missing)

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