1. Na togalaichean: sobhal, bàthach is mar sin, agus ainm gach pàirt dhiubh |
spiris | shelf for hens. |
clais (-ean) | stalls. |
sobhal | used to store hay and potatoes. |
bathach | cattle. |
slochd | used to preserve seed potatoes. |
sgràthan | turfs put on roof with thatch. |
brèidean | rope placed round the neck of a cow or a sheep. |
criath | clay. |
clachan acair | for holding down the thatch. |
2. A’ mathachadh no a’ leasachadh na talmhainn |
3. A’ treabhadh no a’ ruamhar: an crann agus ainm gach pàirt dheth |
4. Innealan beaga leithid spaid, gràp, ràcan is mar sin |
5. Acfhuinn an eich airson gach seòrsa obair |
6. A’ cur an t-sìl |
7. A’ buain agus a’ tiormachadh an arbhair no an fheòir |
corran | used before the scythe became predominant. |
bad | equivalent of ‘adaig’ [?] in Uist – sheave [sic]. |
adag | 6 or 12 of above [i.e. bad]. |
bann | a few strands of corn used to bind the sheave [sic]. |
currachdag | rick of corn. Equivalent of ‘toit’ in Uist. |
8. A’ togail a’ bhuntàta |
gràp | |
cliabh | used to carry potatoes. |
taghadh | choosing which potatoes to eat and those to be used for seed potatoes next year. Potato needs 2 eyes to be used for seed purposes. Some of larger potatoes cut up and given to sheep. No name provided for this process. |
9. A’ tasgadh an arbhair agus a’ bhuntàta |
10. A’ bualadh ’s a’ criathradh |
cliathadh | instrument used for harrowing. Made of wood with iron incisors. |
suist | used for threshing. Corn would be placed on smaller stick and hit forcefully with the bigger stick which was wielded in the hand. Two sticks possibly tied together with rope. |
suisteadh | |
11. A’ bleith an t-sìl |
12. Ainmean a chleachdar ri earrainn fearainn |
lòt | croft. |
iomair | separate fields of corn or potatoes. |
13. Faclan sam bith eile |